A courteous word about LGBT representation

it’s pretty telling that y’all brought up sexuality in children’s content in a positive light, and y’all can’t just say “we actually do not support grooming sexuality in children” after you brought it up. You can’t just say “that is the side of the left that I am at odds with.”

Instead you troll.

VERY telling.

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  1. And?
  2. Because it’s normal. Why would we educate people of what they come born with?
  3. The P think is not something I did. it’s literally from the mouths of the lgbt community. Which is why I said earlier you guys really should separate yourselves from them now. They are giving everyone a bad reputation.

Listen, I really don’t want to have to link to you another blue post from a Blizzard dev and prove you wrong again. So I won’t and let you live in blissful ignorance.

So you encourage sexual topics on kids. That’s three rested cases in a day. Woo!

I thought that was a given.
Don’t tell me we have to spell it out for you each and every time. Get yo brain working.

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Me: Says that kids come to terms with their own identity
You: You encourage sexual topics with kids!

My lord I hope you have siblings, cause otherwise your bloodline ends with ya.


By all under the Light… NO. It is NOT from the LGBTQ+ community. The “P” is a known falsehood meant to discredit!


There’s always been sexuality in children’s content; the point is that it’s held to a different standard if it’s not str8

Sailor Moon is basically for kids and it had LGBT representation that would not have been objectionable to anyone who isn’t a Bible-thumping nutjob but they changed the two lesbians into cousins in the original English localization, which actually made the show weirder because the homoerotic subtext was still there


I’m glad someone gets it. They’re for not grooming kids, but then they literally are for doing it with exposing lgbt topics to them.

I even threw them a bone by saying I don’t agree with religions doing the same upon boys and girls that they should live a highly religious, secular happy marriage (which is hardly happy).

Ya’ll Harley’s just trolling. Just report him and move on.

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I didn’t realize it until I was at least in my late 20’s. If I grew up without feeling weird about it, I would have probably been able to address my depression a lot sooner.

Also, there’s nothing perverse about LGBTQ+ unless you make it so. That should be more than obvious at this point but we got some big brains over here.

Don’t let people bully you just because you hold someone’s hands or sit with your legs crossed. That’s not sexual.

None of that harms you?

Giving marginalized people opportunities doesn’t harm you.

Literally a discrimination lawsuit that you were not apart of does not harm you like the thousands of civil litigations taking place do not.

Kids seeing gay people existing does not harm you. And this is the “ackshuualley lgbt are groomers” argument the right uses. Which isn’t true.

CRT is literally a course taught in advanced law school degrees and is not seen or heard of outside of very specific college curriculems.

Please do not hype up issues that are not in fact issues.


Slippery slope is real.

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You must tolerate us, but I do not have to tolerate you.


Every single thread, I swear to Green Jesus. Every single thread where people try to talk about LGBT+ representation and tokenism it devolves until someone plays the grooming card. Every one.

And they all end up getting locked.

You can’t have a real, in depth discussion about whether something feels like tokenism or pandering without the thread getting locked because of trolls or jerks. Usually with a side order of being accused of kiddy-diddling.


There is no slippery slope. Everyone and their dog is on this thread denouncing it.

You, on the other hand, are trying to lump them together. This is your problem now.

Awh, didn’t they teach you that in the big business training you had to do?

I mean, wasn’t it literally you that brought up pumping sexuality in children’s content in this thread? Or were you the one that hearted the comment?

But I’m the ahole for criticizing that. I’m the one attacking y’all.
What a joke. Grow up. Align your moral compass.

No and I kinda wish they’d lock this one too :upside_down_face:

You got 2 eyes, if I was you can go find it and show it to me.

What opportunities?

If you refuse business to gay people, you are grounds for legal action.

Learning about gay relations harms kids. Realize how you never once denied that kids learning about lgbt is a bad thing. That’s the telling part.

Parents have taken literal pictures of CRT material, posted them on the internet, and have went to their school boards asking why they did it.

I’m pretty sure that’s snowpine’s alt trolling since snowpine exeunted. They’re not here for a discussion.