A courteous word about LGBT representation

+1 for crotchgoblin joke. It did me a giggle.

I’m going to say something you will not like and you will have to accept this because this is the big gay pink elephant of revealing gay relations to kids:

The very fact that gay education is not about reproduction is the insidious part of it, and why it is bad to show kids to it.

And also…ALSO…you do realize this effectively makes the lgbt + P argument…OBSELETE.

They won’t answer to it. It’s only sexual if it’s gay I guess :person_shrugging:

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Why wouldn’t Blizzard make every single character LGBT to get maximum ESG points since it’s so important? LOL the point the ESG conspiracy theorists are trying to make is that they’re forcing LGBT representation to increase their ESG score, when in reality what they’re doing is adding the representation because enough players want it and then bragging about it after the fact to court socially progressive investors, which is totally fine in my opinion

But what about the children? We wouldn’t want Disney to groom the children and coerce them into a str7 relationship

The lgbt + P argument? What the sorrid hell is that?
Don’t tell me you believe people who will harm kids belong in our community. The only P-related acronym that belongs in our community is Pansexuality.

And how is it insidious? Oh no you’re being taught to treat little Jimmy right even though his orientation is different from yours, oooh the horror.

But what the lgbt is asking now is for the new normal to be their normal. How is this not a declaration of war?

Again. WHAT.

(1) LGBTQ people can reproduce
(2) Not all “straight” education is about reproduction.
(3) This “+P” thing is gross, and you should be banned for it.


They literally said all the dragons in this expansion are non binary and are flexibly homogenous in their relations with male or female. Or in this case, body type 1 and body type 2.

Hyperbolic much? Turn it down a notch. You work in big business. Don’t stress yourself out fam


LGBT can have kids.


I want your name.

Quoting bc Gay the Priest has arrived with a clear decree.


I’m saying the idealogy of the lgbt unfortunately puts kids in their headlights for conversion. I think we can agree that religion does this too by telling kids that they should grow up, save themselves for marriage, and have kids.

There’s another thing that starts with ‘P’ and isn’t pansexuality, and I think that’s what he’s referring to.

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Okay, maybe the person who wrote that part of the story is non-binary and was simply staying true to their artistic vision. I know for a fact that one of the top people working on Dragonflight was non-binary (i.e., it was the person a lot of people said a lot of transphobic things about when they had their developer roundtable thing on the day they released the cinematic trailer)

We’ve been over this
there is no lgbt+ ideology.

There however ARE lgbt+ kids. Yes, it boggles the mind but some kiddos do realize they aren’t cis/het early on. By their own volition.

Kids may be dumb as hell but they’re also paradoxically smart.

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It 100% is. Also… wow, I need to apparently be a LOT more active on my mage on the forums, because it just treats you as a whole different user. Woot.


Straight people literally have “conversion camps.” The gay parents of straight children are perfectly happy to allow their gay children to live happy lives with a partner of the opposite sex.