A courteous word about LGBT representation

you mean content where sexuality is not mentioned? That’s straight content to you? Is that why you’ve felt so attacked for so long?

Newsflash, kids don’t need to see content revolving around sexuality.
But we all know the left don’t agree, they want children to lose their innocence asap. That’s one reason why the left is to be admonished.

I mean, you brought it up :man_shrugging:t5:


Rest my case again.

Take your meds and touch some grass.
I ain’t your therapist.


Again, “normal” comes up. Guess I’m abnormal, which is of course a way of othering people.

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Uh yes? That’s literally what I was telling you.

solid argument for grooming kids :+1:t5:

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It’s mentioned.

Every company has stuff like this, it’s just investor relations material

And here comes the groomer nonsense.
Man yall got nothing original eh?


Isn’t nor being normal a plus for lgbt? That’s literally what they praise all the time.

Ohhh… That’s funny. Also doesn’t really make sense.

It’s literally ESG and you said Blizzard wasn’t dealing in that. Can you just admit you were wrong? No one is going to kill you over it.

Um… what? We want to be accepted as normal, for who we are. The heck are you on about?

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How do you feel about Disney’s kids’ movie “Beauty and the Beast”?

They’re on about their fifth pint if I had to guess :clown_face:

No, I specifically remember “we’re happy not being normal” as the tagline for lgbt. I can see if it has changed over the years, but that was specifically a thing a decade or so back. It was worn like a badge of honor.

Here’s the folly in that argument:

straight matters are no more adult than lgbt+ matters,
which is to say amazingly not all that adult, barring when it comes to reproduction.

And my identity ain’t all about reproduction. It’s the furthest thing from it lol. I don’t ever want crotchgoblins.

But I do want those crotchgoblins to have appropriate education on the matter. Even providing them the words to their identity can do so much help. Have we not all heard the many stories of…let’s say ace people, who thought themselves broken because they didn’t have the language.

Plus, introducing and EDUCATING children on the matter at an appropriate level helps lessen the chance they will be groomed.

That can mean a number of things. The way it’s being tossed about today, right here, is more of a “you’re not normal.”

Yeah, that’s not taken out of context of decades of people screaming “JUST BE NORMAL!” at them or anything.

Or just about every piece of content Disney stringed together that has str7 couples placed front and center unconditionally 24/7