A courteous word about LGBT representation

Your bs meter is a little broken then.

Nah it’s working pretty fine.

Wait so is the conclusion that Blackrock and Vanguard don’t exist? This is the most progress I’ve got towards understanding what Kalaen is talking about.

I find this hard to believe, since you still haven’t told me what your master’s degree is in. Edit for context: Harley told me in another thread they had a master’s degree but fails to tell me what it is.


How is accepting a gay couple and not criticiszing their life hurting you in any way? How does it affect you that they exist and are seen?

Answer: it doesn’t affect you. And it does not hurt you.


It does if you’re terrified of gay people.

Well at the rate some peeps are going, I’m gonna give 'em a reason to fear us.

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I like keeping it a mystery (you do not have to believe me. I’m just a dumb harley)

I mean clearly they work in big business, so they must have a masters degree.

Okee no prob

Taken out of context. Was giving a direct example with the game. Which is what we are talking about.

But if you want to take the context to the real world: affirmative action, gay cake lawsuit, revealing kids to same-sex relations in grade school (the guy who mentioned CRT earlier).

Kids see straight content all the time. It’s practically EVERYWHERE.
But suddenly because it’s not straight it’s adult in nature?

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Harley, in your experience working in big business. Have you felt the ramifications of these things firsthand?

Actually, yes, it is adult in nature. This conversation will get very detailed very fast so I’m not going to go into deep issues. All I will say is that the kids will question how does a man - man or woman - woman make a baby? How does the “parts” work? And revealing them to gay education that soon forces them to have to know the distinction right away. There’s too many sexual related things that come with that entirely.

At least when it’s straight, which is normal, girls and boys understand that they have some affection for the other sex. And even then, if theyre young enough, they think the other sex is icky.

This sounds extremely challenging in the context of the work you do at the big business.

They both exist, they’re both asset management firms, but ESG investing is a recent obsession of the right-wing nutjob community, who think things like the reason Blizzard is adding gay people into the game is not because gay people want it and str8 people are (supposedly) becoming less homophobic over time and therefore should not be bothered by it, but because they think having gay characters in your video game boosts your ESG score or whatever

Yes. Me and everyone had to sit in a class and learn about inclusiveness and lgbt topics as a mandatory from above. Imagine if people were forced to take a class where they learn to be straight. IMAGINE.

I genuinely can’t imagine that.

How has this impacted you personally though, has this opened something up in you? Or made it harder to focus at work? Big businesses can be really stressfull.

Then by that logic straight relationships are adult in nature.

Well for them to ask those questions to begin with, they must know about the process, which means they were either taught or found out themselves.

All I’m getting out of this is it’s ok for kids to know about adult matters so long as it involves a straight couple. Thanks.