A courteous word about LGBT representation

I love how people think we’re a trend. It’s very telling of you.


…? I think you’re done for the day.

“Normal”, “Your kind”, “gay agenda/bandwagon”… It’s not just one person, but the rhetoric is all the same. And it disgusts and frightens me.


You ain’t my mum.

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Dude take off your tinfoil hat, every company make their own decision, stop with your conspiracy theory nonsense.

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Thanks for cutting around the whole quote. Really shows the ignorance of the left. :slight_smile:

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Before gay people, it was disabled people. See how fast they tossed away disabled people for gay people? And before them, black people. Do you see how companies and elites use groups for their own benefit? Disregardings feelings we have, I think we can at least see that there’s people who intentionally use large swaths of people as a shield for either financial or social reasons. And they never actually help the people they are saying they support.

Meanwhile, here I am, a random person on an internet board, who at least is attempting conversation with you. When’s the last time these leaders of lgbt did that with you? When’s the last time they had a heartfelt, sometimes discourseful, conversation with you? Do they ask how your day went? Do they at least try to banter a little?

Or do they just say ‘You’re a good person, good job, keep going’, then turn around and go fly in their expensive jets while laughing at men or women crossdressing behind the scenes.

“I cannot believe they think we’re helping them. So, my hetereosexual friend, shall we go partake in more satanic rituals involving kids?”


Why bring up Vanguard or Blackrock in the first place?

you saw why, you cut out all the context in the quote and what I was replying to. Thanks again for the leftist ignorance :slight_smile:

There are no lgbt+ leaders. What are you on about?
Like yeah sure Elton John is fab as hell but he’s not our master.

And here comes more conspiracy drok.

Our philosophy

Our philosophy of working as One BlackRock is at the core of our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) across every level of our firm and within every region and country we operate – across gender, race, ethnicity, disability and veteran status, among others. We’ve made building a more diverse workforce a top priority and we foster a collaborative culture based on trust, respect and integrity. We know that a diverse workforce is indispensable to our creativity and success. It’s how we answer the biggest questions and solve the toughest problems. An inclusive, equitable environment makes us thrive. It enables us to draw on expertise and unique experiences from across the firm and bring out the best in each other

Yes because you read too many conspiracy theories.

This is why most right wingers are on their path to become the next Kanye.

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BlackRock Founders Scholarship – US

In the US, the BlackRock Founders Scholarship is an accelerated Summer Analyst internship interview process and scholarship program for diverse students who have demonstrated leadership while exemplifying the BlackRock Principles in their communities. In addition to a summer internship, candidates may also receive a merit award of $17,500. This program is designed for undergraduate or master’s students who self-identify as Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native American, LGBTQ+ or disabled.```

I think the real insidious ones are the people who say “I have nothing against LGBTQ+ people existing, I just never want to see them existing or hear about them existing” because they truly believe there is absolutely nothing wrong or bigoted about that. I guarantee at some point they’ve also said “why do LGBTQ+ people need a pride month/event/etc?”


Wouldn’t surprise me.


Hey hey, I know you wanted to bury the facts and troll about, but I found it for everyone in the back :slight_smile:

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The BlackRock and Vanguard thing is about ESG, which is the new CRT basically in that it’s this thing that’s always been around but suddenly right-wingers are obsessed with it (or at least their warped interpretation of it) because they think they’ve cracked the code of wokeness and figured out what its genesis is, or whatever


So is there like a defensive switch in your brain that just makes you call everything conspiracy cause you just can’t fathom it happening? Have you not once maybe thought: “Hm…why do these companies that never cared for us now do? It must be because they finally accepted us!”

And then they still cater to all the non lgbt with majority of their products. In fact, most companies avoid advertising lgbt in non Democrat areas cause they know the people around it don’t identify with it. This one is not a lie, it’s a literal marketing strategy (I also work with big businesses).

Also don’t mind me, shifting to my 70 for now.

Nah I just recognize bs when I see it.
Plus I don’t really need to take a belf seriously. Yall big jokes, you esp.