A courteous word about LGBT representation

Everyone can have their opinions and believes. I don’t think Blizzards inclusion in DF is “a recurrent theme to shove an ideology into everyone’s mouth, then it’s not representation but pandering.”

I really don’t it is representative of our world.

Your extreme perspective is tainting your view of LGTB+ inclusion. It is unlikely Blizzard could include LGBT+ subjects without offending you.

IMO, there have been too make hate threads.


Only a small sample of all their talks over being lgbt driven.

I’d say it’s more like genuine confusion, and maybe a bit perplexed? There’s also a tinge of concern for your wellbeing too tbh.

Well that makes WAY more sense.
Montreal and Toronto are absolute trash, and I just realized we are technically US East in WoW servers, and timezone xDDD

So I mispoke, I meant the eastern/maritime provinces. Love those guys

Yeah that doesn’t cite lgbt+ ideology.
Just a commitment to being inclusive.

I bet you think Hades is lgbt+ ideology too.


I think anyone would suck at including tokenism without it offending anyone. Tokenism is, after all, just a tool to give lazy representation. As a creator and writer myself, the best way to pander to a group is…

Don’t pander to them at all!

Oh? Where are people being forced to be in gay relationships or get gay married?

Don’t want it? Luckily you can choose not to participate in it. It existing in your field of vision isn’t aggressing on you.

You know what is aggressive? Running on or voting for candidates that target gay people in their campaigns.

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Anyway all I’m getting out of this is that the Destiny 2 community is stronger than WoW’s community

we just got Saint-14 and Osiris kissing and it was wonderful.

The Torontosauras Rex is a little known biological descendant of the Americerotops.

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Nah not little known. Basically everyone knows the GTA is basically a microcosm of America somehow situated in Canada.


What’s your next excuse? Blizzard designers have been on the gay bandwagon for years.

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They are icky and normal people are tired of them

By ‘gay bandwagon’ you mean ‘being nice to people’?

Yeah god forbid huh.


I mean, that’s nice, but are you going to respond to what you quoted? :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah I can choose not to participate in it except when your character is forced literally to sit and have people tell them how gay they are until the dialogue finishes and you’re allowed to continue or complete the quest steps. I can choose not to participate in it except when I have to accept them being gay and not say any criticism for it.

‘Normal’ people do not care one hide about what goes on behind closed doors, between two consenting adults.

If you think that’s icky, you ain’t normal.


First of all gay people aren’t a special class; sexual orientation is special class, so theoretically it could apply to anti-str8 discrimination but str8 people are lucky because that never happens anyway

There’s actually a lot of anti-LGBT terrorism happening right now, from the str8 cis guy who claimed to be non-binary (for the first time) after shooting up a gay nightclub, to possibly the recent power outage caused by vandalism in Moore County, NC (likely because Y’all Qaeda was mad about a drag show), etc. The Proud Boys, who famously lead the charge in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, are now showing up with guns at drag story-time events (family-friendly events that are usually attended by children, to my knowledge almost always accompanied by parents, to watch a gender impersonator read a book or something—not that it even matters because it’s not the Proud Boys’ business what parents think is age-appropriate for children)


Which quest was that, hmm?

The only kindness you recognize is when someone virtue signals for someone else’s orientation? That’s the best you got?

Truuuuust me, the last thing a billion dollar company cares about is the trend that is in that they will market for big journalist points.

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