A courteous word about LGBT representation

What :clap: are :clap: you :clap: actually :clap: talking :clap: about :clap:

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It reads more like the 80 year old skateboard meme “hey fellow gay people, I’m cool too. Don’t use gay people as a shield, but I’m gay and will use it as a shield”

Like, ok you do you

East Canada is the most rude part of Canada I’ve ever met. It’s like everyone there pretend everyone else is an a**hole.

Sylvansong is obviously too young for these forums, so I’m done with they/them. You can address me directly when you call me names, btw. I don’t bite hard.

I’m stepping out. There isn’t opposition here there are crazy conspiracy theorists here.

I don’t even think he’s gay? Also apparently Canada is in ‘unrest’. I’m not sure what that means, but I’m praying for them I guess.

This is majorly false. The only people I see wanting to aggress on others is the constant need to include gay idealogy everywhere even when people say they do not want it.

Just like…in World of Warcraft!

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This is a weak reply but you never really had anything strong going on to begin with so…

par for the course I guess?

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Lol, lmao
Ok then…

I literally haven’t called you any names. I genuinely don’t even know what you’re talking about.

Are you in Canada? Are you okay?

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Are you being foreal? I’ve never heard that opinion before. Do you mean Montreal? People visit montreal all the time, and that place is very trashy. I wouldn’t consider that eastern canada. I’m talking about the maritimes.

You really need to realize that just because you don’t personally see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

There is no gay ideology, just like there is no straight ideology. Human beings and their intrinsic facets are not ideologies.

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Montreal and Toronto specifically. Ive not met a nice person yet from either.

It’s still pretty safe.

Mostly because this isn’t actually true.

I haven’t been down east in a while but the last time I was in the maritimes I remember people being really friendly.

Granted I was in towns so small they barely qualify even as towns.

Well given how you act, yeah Torontonians ain’t gonna waste their time with you.

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The head designers of WoW literally said that’s what they were doing. They literally said it! Do you even read their interviews? Let me guess, you never have. You just agreed and went with it.

Citation needed.

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lol idk how I hurt you 20 comments ago but you keep calling me angry while also saying you don’t know what I’m talking about, and lampoon quoting me.

Since the vulpera disappeared at the same time you joined the battle, I’ll wager you’re projecting your anger as their alt :man_shrugging:t5: :kissing_heart:

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Torontonians sound like a dinosaur. Which wouldn’t be too far from the truth.

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Nah they’re pretty deece peeps when you respect their time.

Man, now I want some cheesecake.