A courteous word about LGBT representation

ok Jussie Smollette

The US is the safest place for gay people.

Actually that would probably be Canada

since y’know we had legalized it country wide like 10 years before yall did.
And we’re not bogged down by your insanity…yet.

What are you going on about. I’m talking about a hate crime that involved people dying. Why are you bringing that up? To what relevance does that add?

lol sorry for agreeing with you on open forums :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
y’know I just saw a Gutfeld! episode where Greg explained how lefties hate when non-lefties agree with them. Literally watched it last night. Hilarious.

Great! you further proved my point that you have nothing to complain about with so much power supporting your kind.

Oh… You’re crazy… I’m sorry.

No but for real…yikes

  • It’s considered a hate crime to intentionally misgender in the workplace in Canada. But yeah, ‘safest places’ still isn’t nearly as ‘safe’ as it is for those that are cis and straight.

Idk what’s happening with the angry DK and the straight elf but I did just google this, and interestingly Malta is the second safest.

Followed by Portugal, Spain, Austria and Denmark.

Denmark, you say?

I got relatives over there, maybe I should go lurk in their cupboards.

it’s not even in the top ten.

There are still states where the gay and trans panic defense are not banned.
Until those are banned - among other issues - country wide then yeah, american lgbt+ people have reasons to complain.


I support this. I too would like to lurk in some Europeans cupboards for better protections, but I don’t have any relatives there :confused:

No, I don’t think we agree. I think that post with the snarky little emoji isn’t something you just “get over”. It seems a little sus. In my opinion.

Good for you.

Really, I thought you were str8 though because you were quitting to play Pokemon because it has more manly str8 man representation than WoW, and before that I thought you were bi. There’s definitely str8 propaganda; the fact that people think there isn’t is exactly why it’s the most insidious form!

I did see the non-story that Taibbi posted and I am aware of why media-illiterate people who can’t see through Taibbi’s editorializing are going crazy over it and missing the fact that if you look at the story objectively, it actually makes the Trump White House look worse, which is why Elon Musk (who now spends his days giving personal customer service to people like Ian Miles Cheong and other alt-right trolls) is being so careful about how to release the story.

Don’t you think it’s weird that he only gave the archives to two opinion journalists and not actual investigative reporters? LOL

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Gonna be honest I don’t even remember why he’s mad at me. Something, something, I defended a “leftist ideal” and made him upset.

if you are cis white male in Canada, you may not have job security if it is not a technical role where soft skills aren’t a requirement. Ontario, Canada anyway. I think the West is in unrest and the east is just accepting of anyone who’s not an a-hole(which is the way it outta be, right guys?)

He’s one of the more chaotic incoherent people on these forums. I still don’t understand what he’s angry about. He has a lot of thoughts though – I’ll give him that.

Not having government making gay people a special class doesn’t mean you’re vulnerable. No one is stoning gays or hanging them from trees or throwing them from roofs. Why? Cause with all the smartphones and media ready to show the raves of anti-gay hate gangs, we would have so much evidence of it that it would literally be considered a terrorist group.

But it doesn’t exist, at least on the scale that you are exaggerating. I think we can all agree that if that starts happening, even I will have to worry cause that means violence can be justified for anyone, gay or not.

Nobody is because there’s laws against it, thankfully. Heaven knows a portion of your country is chomping at the bits to go after LGBT+ folk. It’s actually a little disturbing.

Even moreso because your sewage is leaking up here. We don’t need your blasted insanity for smoke’s sakes.