A courteous word about LGBT representation

What’s your definition of straight mistreatment?
Have you ever been kicked out of an establishment for being straight?
Have you ever been beaten up just for being straight?
Has anyone ever threatened you and your family or said you should go to hell just for being straight?

I don’t know man I don’t think you’re As persecuted as you claim. And I by no means have a victim mentality.
I just think you’re being egrerious

Because he made the statement that someone killed a trans person, and I gave an example of a trans person who killed a bunch of gay people. If you knew nuance, you’d know I never said I agree with it.

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You are explaining to me my own lived experience with your supposed understanding of how we live here.

I am shunned from most of my family, I’ve been robbed and beat up outside my vehicle.

Because I’m not only a woman but also openly gay.

Please do not explain to me how tolerated I am when I have lived the opposite my entire life.


I’d say you should be able to get over a few gay dragons but somehow I doubt that.

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The fact that gays have the media, government, and even companies like Blizzard overwhelmingly backing you to snuff out any criticism or bad things to say about anyone in the ilk.


And here comes the conspiracy nonsense…

in 2022 are cis white men being removed from the office workplace?
in 2022 are opportunities being given to folks based on their colour, plumbing, and orientation before their merits in the workplace?

Does BlackRock and Vanguard exist?

Quinton Flynn?

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Yeah we do, it’s all an elaborate part of the gay agenda.

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I’m gay and I agree that the OP is completely wrong and has probably been indoctrinated by str8 propaganda

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This is nothing but bad-faith. Seriously.

You wouldn’t understand nuance if it came up and lightly booped you upside the head.

So far you managed to prove that LGBTQ+ related groups are often the target of hate crimes. So… Yeah.

Non gay people get shunned, robbed, and beat up outside their vehicle, too. A white couple got pulled out of their car in Chicago and shot by a group of black gang members. The man was trying to defend his gf, and he got killed.

Your plight is noted, but it’s not special.

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I haven’t even noticed any, and maybe that’s because it’s none of my business. idk

That doesn’t sound like mistreatment towards straight people. It seems like miss treatment towards antigay.

That can stem from belief, religion or good old fashioned homophobia.

There are plenty of straight allies I don’t think it’s A-war on straightness. I definitely think there’s A-war on anti gay sentiment.

I will give you that

I think the biggest evidence of that would be the overwhelming majority of the people you’re speaking of are straight… And yet are speaking out against it.

I wish we gay people had more power we wouldn’t have been closeted as long as we had been

I mean, I don’t agree with you either. You’re literally telling people their experiences are incorrect. You’re complaining about gay people existing in ways that you absolutely can’t ignore. They are more likely to face violence and death, we have literal examples of t. One of the deadliest mass shootings history happened an hour away from me at Pulse.

Just because it makes you uncomfortable doesn’t make it untrue.

And they also do hate crimes themselves. So I guess we both agree.

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hahah, I am also gay. gay as folk. And I can tell you there is no “straight propaganda” :joy:
Did you see the Taibbi Twitter files btw? Want to go see how much the left spent on Propaganda compared to the right?

So then why are you here?

Seriously I don’t understand what your point is.

Then perhaps you shouldn’t butt in and answer their questions for them when I asked them about the emoji, not you.

This works both ways.

I dunno what’s more wild

the pick-me gay over there
or the most boring straight elf in existence.

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