A courteous word about LGBT representation

God this has been done to death, the way you could’ve added to the 100 already existing topics.

People say this like it’ll make threads like this any less annoying. Also the sheer amount of gay men who drip their own mass levels of homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny. In fact they regularly get called out by the rest of the community. Being gay isn’t a magic shield that makes complaining about 4 lgbt couples in a game less ridiculous.

In the US, you have every right and privilege under the sun. When’s the last time you’ve seen someone here throw you from a roof with your hands tied behind your back? When’s the last time you got stoned to death by the community with rocks battering to one’s heads?

The US is the most safe place for people like you, and you still have the audacity to complain. THAT is what makes others tired.

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Meanwhile Florida and Texas…
Plus I guess Utah in a way.

Yes. It. Is.

/shields up

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You know what happens when you tolerate an intolerant body?

They… don’t tolerate you… Because they’re… intolerant…

The last time a trans man or woman killed? Last week
Last time discriminated against by businesses? Daily from now since time memorial.

Better is great… equality would be superduper

Exactly. And gay people should stop thinking they are immune to criticism.

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Sounds like you’re not about tolerance for gay people.

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They’re probably doing it because it’s only fair if str8 people are mistreated for being str8 at least as often as gay people are mistreated for being gay, and someone’s got to even the score (to whatever extent it’s even possible to do so considering the crimes of str8 ppl against gay ppl are impossible to match)

Why would you be criticizing gay people?

They’re mad that they’re not as fab.

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Are we talking about the trans man that shot up that gay club? :grinning:


“Gay dudes aren’t free of also being bad people.”

is about all the nuance I expect from the forums honestly.

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First they were non-binary
now they’re a trans dude

it sounds a lot like someone’s trying to co-opt them as a member of our community to make it look not as bad.

Gay people aren’t immune to criticism…
Why do I even know or care that someone is gay in world of warcraft? Are they telling me because they think they are immune to criticism?


The fact that you chose to use a smiling emoji in that context is actually disgusting.


No. Day rodas.

If I had a meter that shows the weight of gay people mistreatment vs straight people mistreatment for current time, the meter would be in the advantage of gay people.

Thank you for proving my point.

No, the trans community made that distinction. Don’t take that up with me, I didn’t invent any of this. Don’t shoot the messenger.


That was a tasteless emoji, but these are the official wow forums, so you should get over that pretty fast. He answered your question and you changed topics, just like that vulpera in this thread

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Citation needed then.