A courteous word about LGBT representation

You can gift balance. So I made a second account and bought the game with tokens through gold.

Then I purchased 11 tokens over a year with gold On the 2nd account by trading the gold in game

I think I had to purchase the 1st month on the 2nd account with real money because you cannot log in without game time. In the end it paid for itself because you get free month every 3 months on recruiter account.

If any of that made sense

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I haven’t kept up with this thread but that poster is a hard-right troll. Don’t bother giving them attention.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Your posts are open for everyone to follow along, person who doesn’t like statistics, and often changes topics when they’ve been made.

I genuinely don’t know why you’re so angry. Like I was poking fun at Snowpine for not knowing what gaslighting means earlier but like… what did he do?

how did you get anger out of that…? you even cropped out the rofls. What a takeaway. What a deflection.

edit: is it the xmog? Everyone thrown a loop by the xmog

And what is WRONG with finding it icky? Its almost like someones thoughts have to conform to what a minority wants. As MANY people have pointed out. For a tolerant group you are anything but tolerant.

95% of people are straight, they don’t like it. so forceing so much of it on so many people that don’t like/want it never ends well.

You are going from being tolerated, to hated.

Please though, stick that nose up, pretend that you are fighting the good fight and like you are a victim. That ship is sinking quick and soon a lot of idiots are going to be left sinking.


Maybe you shouldn’t speak over other LGBT+ people that want to be seen and visibly exist, at a time when the majority of non-LGBT+ will do anything to prevent that, just a thought. But this feels like bait and bad faith, and the mods should lock this thread.

This is a game your statistics don’t mean anything.

It is not considered pandering just because a minority gets a spotlight. Or if it does… then the same loose interpretation could be used in reverse. And even if it was pandering… OK… You will survive.

There’s nothing icky with same-sex couples, just as there’s nothing icky about straight couples.

If you find them icky, that’s a you issue and you need to work through it.

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truly, if you read your comment, that doesn’t sound like cope to you? C’mon. I know you are pretty reasonable most of the time.


Idk how many times did you edit that comment?

Does he have like a thesis or a point he’s trying to make? All he’s done is just throw really elaborate insults at Snowpine.

I think humans touching other humans is icky.

I know many of you don’t wash your hands after using the restroom

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Don’t feed the troll I guess

Carry a spray bottle on you at all times.

You gonna be clean whether you want to be or not.

There’s many people who complain about them from your group, especially during a rant.

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Gee, I wonder why. /s

You need soap. I have seen that Mythbusters

Uhm. Lgbt people ARE hated.

In many places our very existence is illegal. Being gay is against the law in Russia. In many countries we are hunted and murdered and that is not hyperbole.

In the US trans people have to deal with whats known as “the trans panic defense” where a murderer can get off for murdering a trans person because he was surprised and panicked.

For lgbt people ours is a fight for life. For our right to exist. Do some research on the lgbt movement and history before you call us tolerated.

We are not tolerated even now.

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Wait was that actually a mythbusters?

Soap rail cannon it is.

They did one on non washing, water only, and soap