A courteous word about LGBT representation

And that is the underlying sentiment for every single thread like this.

It’s the equivalent of somebody saying I’m not racist but… Nothing that comes after that is going to make me believe the 1st part.

Replace racism with homophobia and here we are

… I’m just gonna call “jinx”

Oh sods.
I guess I owe you a soda eh?

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Kaja’cola please?

With vanilla or coffee?

I’m not racist, but the price of bread is way too high these days. Eggs, too.

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The answer is… yes.

I’m sure goblins have that as a singular can.

Just gotta hope it ain’t spiked with other goodies too.

I can’t believe you just said that.

My father was half egg


It’s goblin-made - of course it is. It’s just a matter of lucking out and not getting a batch mixed with, say, JP-5.

Okay but I really like your transmog

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I wish I could say I put this together in some creative way… But it’s just a recruit a friend set. So I bought gametime with gold and here we are

I usually just wear Venthyr set with a candle on my head, so mood.

I just need to find a friend to recruit…

I recruited myself. I used gold

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How many people attempt to take candle?

You’re flimsy at best, with flimsy takes on the forums. You project that personality trait in your posts and assume other people can’t read past your standard, which is typical human behaviour. Another example is instead of ignoring me or addressing what I said, you cried victim and asked a question “why am I being accused of x”.
You’re kind of the problem with any ol’ nobody having access to speak freely on open forums without being vetted. You add nothing but eyerolling and degeneracy.

Not as many as you’d think, but they all get shot down. That candle’s mine.


Wait can you do that? Is it just through wow tokens?

All you did was requote what was said in succession. What do you think you’ve achieved?

You’re just another person I’ve shut down that can’t handle it, so when you see me, you pipe up with some nonsense like