A courteous word about LGBT representation

I usually don’t add the Q at the end; people are free to just imagine that it’s there. The biggest subreddit for gender identity and sexual orientation minorities is /r/LGBT. If you go on Wikipedia and search “LGBT” you get a page titled LGBT, but if you search LGBTQ it redirects to LGBT.

LGBT is the main initialism, LGBTQ+ and all of the variable-length alternatives are really just for seeming more inclusive. I really don’t think adding on too many letters is a good idea because right-wing trolls will speculate about what the additional letters mean and assume whichever answer makes LGBT+ people look bad is true

A sentence ends with a period. That is the full sentence. :slight_smile: Try again, school would be good for those that are not very well educated on such matters.

The collectivist concept of group identity is empowering. Who is going to sacrifice that when they are identifying as a group that is socially incentivized through concepts of oppression?

with your track record on forums, I’m going to say that’s because real world statistics don’t align with your basement dwelling leftie fantasy?

“Individuality” is basically an alt-right dog whistle today.

Fair point

Fair point. It’s intoxicating, I agree. I use to be in a group that was like that, but I left it cause they were taking advantage of our desperation. Since I left, I’ve not only become more independent, I see a lot of bs now from other similar groups.

Because those few idiots are loud and have cost your group its reputation. best to distance yourself from them as soon as possible. You dont need them to define your identity. Btw, those idiots also dont love you as much as you think.


What’s more in your face about this than the dude we threw into the maw who had a wife and kid.

I didn’t see one peep about that. And it was about as sappy sugary As it gets. I’m pretty sure I got diabetes.

Just be honest about what your real complaint is

The faux outrage and excuses is transparent

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A full sentence is not “full context”. Try again.

You are the first person I’ve seen all day parpozing the forums that made this argument.

Perhaps you are projecting.

Nah, I’m staying.
I’m happy with them.

Because if you represent the alternative?
I’d much rather not.

But again, every group has its bad apples that will soil their rep. Some genuinely from within the community, some bad faith actors trying to discredit.


What are you even on about? How am I being accused of being alt-right and a “basement dwelling leftie” over the same posts? :thinking:

Why does what was said seem to come off as an attempt to break apart a structure that many use for support and common advancement? (I’m really feeling like it is exactly that…)

Because cishet people be wild.

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I’m not the alternative. I literally told you I’m not with a group. Why not just be yourself? If you need a group to identify with, then that’s your prerogative. But you have to deal with the consequences of being part of the hivemind. Me being by myself means I have to deal with the consequences of not having strength in numbers. We all choose our allegiances, and you must suffer their pros and cons.

Don’t call them that! They don’t like being called what they are – it makes them angry.

And I do. Which is why I defend 'em.
Because defending them defends me.


Hi I’m a Bi woman so this reply comes from a member of the LGBT.

This post reads like “lgbt rep is ok but keep it quiet”. Or rather I get the feeling its saying to keep it “closeted”.

I don’t want my lgbt rep closeted. I want to see it visible, celebrated and normalized. I want our lifestyle to not bat an eye the way straight lifestyles don’t.

The rep being so visible is GOOD.


Honor, I rest my case. It took a while to get you to finally admit that.

What even is your “case” here?

And your case was what, exactly?