A courteous word about LGBT representation

On what grounds? Human nature is to partake in discourse. It’s how we’ve made it so far, through an industrial age, etc.

It may seem like we want an echo chamber, but the fact that groups trying to achieve one fall apart due to discourse should tell you a lot about how that works out.


There’s an uncanny focus on the “P” that folks tried to force into the acronym, right here in this post…

I’m not surprised that it came up again.

“ah yes, i am quite gay, when me and my gay friends who are definitely gay were playing wow and doing other gay stuff (we are gay btw, definitely not a straight dude who has already made 5 posts whining about gay people on a level 10 alt), we noticed that there were some gay characters, and knowing the statistics for how many gay people exist off the top of our head (i definitely didn’t google them), we came to the mutual and very gay agreement that we wish there were less gay people in the game”


There is always going to be bad people in groups, especially as their size increases.
We are not a monolith, but the sane members of the community can be quick to distance themselves from hate or call it out.

I don’t ‘consider’ myself LGBT+. I AM lgbt+, by virtue of my identity. It’s as immutable a fact as the color of my eyes or the scars on my head.


I mean, you said it.

‘A rule for thee but not for me’, it seems.

If you didn’t have double standards, you would have none at all.

Being part of a group doesn’t exempt you from hating it.

What you said anyways.

You are missing context entirely for what I said that to, but pop off I guess.

Hint: I was not replying to you.

I agree with this much. Many people are willing to take very extreme action against fairly innocent people over mild disagreements.

That’s largely because most people are terrible though.

Hint: It’s a public forum, and I didn’t miss a beat. But since you want to go off you responded to me here:


I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re making a high level satire right now. There’s some delicious truth in it, but Im skeptical if you wrote it with that intention or not.

And yet you’re still aligning yourself to that group with statements like “us”. But it’s not “us” when there’s an exception to that. So which is it? Is it “us” always or only sometimes?

Like you said, you’re very much late to the party. I also had to mention I was a gay man before making the argument. I’ve had a lot of time to think and realized that while I was pushing back against my own representation because of population % I took the time to look at ALL of WoW’s previous expansions, lore, and even novels… not once was there any LGBTQ representation and I can see why people are rolling their eyes when ppl get upset over 6-7 occurrences of LGBTQ rep when straight occurrences were never an issue.

Take it as a win, take it a loss, it doesn’t matter. These are all side characters while all the main character are in straight relationships and that’s OK by me. At the end of the day I got the game to enjoy it rather than go back to the politics that affect our world and twitter. It is what it is and if people feel that it’s being “forced” on them I wonder what type of environs they operate in their day to day lives… I’d imagine they complain to HR over the slightest issues or would yearn that everything has to be “politically correct” then when they hear someone say something that isn’t politically correct towards them they’d have a breakdown (Karen-Syndrome).

Meh, at the end of the day, it’s a game. Enjoy it.

Blizz knows they are pushing away players looking for Warcraft and they know they’re making a mockery of the LGBT+ community.
Blizz have shown time and time again, they care for nobody but their own egos and only identify with the trolls in this game.


There’s no double standards present. I simply reacted to what they gave.

You know that sort of thing happens all the time when a big group has someone from it act bad, right?
So why is the LGBT+ community getting extra scrutinized over it?

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You did. Go ahead, quote the post I replied to, and my entire post you snipped that out of.

It is extremely apparent that what I am saying I dislike is statistics regarding number of LGBT-identifying people in a given sample.

Full sentence.

I, me, am suggesting that you stop being so tied to a group. Individually, I can never say you are this or that cause I do not know you. See the positivity and help in that?

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Why would I wanna disengage from a group that I love and support, all because of the actions of a few idiots?

Nah no thanks.

Try again.

Why would we want to disengage from a group that also, at its core, does its best to advocate for our own advancement and respect?

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