[A] <Coomer> 4/10M Late Night Raiders LF DPS

Mission Statement

Our goal at Coomer is to progress through Mythic raids and achieve CE each tier and have fun doing it. We pride ourselves on having a relaxed raiding environment, while also pushing ourselves to be competitive at a high level. Although our goal is mainly CE, we do wish to push for HoF at least once in the expansion.

Guild History

What started as a small guild for IRL friends 10 years ago has turned into a more progression focused raiding guild. While we have gone through many iterations, we mainly decided to focus on raiding towards the end of BFA. We have a solid core roster, but are in need of a few more reliable and consistent players to round off the last few spots


As a “newer” guild, we’re still learning the ropes. We do however have a set of expectations that we look for in every raider/member.

• Attendance is very important to us. We have raid sign ups in our Discord channel where we prepare before every raid night to get a headcount for raiding. We expect everyone to be on time and ready to pull no later than 10 minutes after start time.
• Prepare for each fight before the fight. Whether this be adding new weakauras, checking optimal talents, or watching videos to learn boss mechanics. We have several people always willing to help, so if you have a question about your class or what you should be doing, don’t be afraid to ask! Warcraftlogs is also a huge help in learning fights, so please utilize everything to be as efficient as you can.
• NO TOXICITY. Yes, we’re going to wipe. This is not an excuse to lose your cool or go off on other members. This goes for inside and outside raids. If you are causing problems, no matter how good of a player you are, we will have no hesitation and remove you from the roster, simple as that.
• Have fun! At the end of the day, this is a game and we all play to have fun and enjoy each other’s company.


DPS - Mage, Boomy, Hunter, DH
Healer -
Tank -

Currently, we are only in need of DPS for Mythic progression, however we are still accepting anyone who wishes to join. This recruitment list is a preferred list of classes we need, but we will always be open to people who express interest and meet our expectations. We’re always looking for cool people to add to the community from all types of playstyles. If you’re interested in M+/KSM/Arena, we also have members doing that on off-days.

Raid Times

Tuesday 10:00PM - 1:00AM CST
Thursday 10:00PM - 1:00AM CST
Saturday - 10:00PM - 1:00AM CST (Optional Heroic)

Raid times are late, but it’s what works best for a lot of our members. Currently we’re raiding twice a week with an optional Heroic run on Saturdays, but if we get enough interest, we wouldn’t mind making Saturday a progression day as well.

Interested in joining?

Great! There are several ways you can contact us -
Discord - Bagel#4444
Bnet - Bagel#1151
In-Game - Nasty
or you can just directly apply in the Guild Recruitment tab in game. I’ll approve it and send you a mail in game letting you know you’ve been accepted =)