[A] <Continuity> Hosting a public Heroic Nathria Raid 7/4/2021

Continuity will be hosting a public Heroic Nathria raid Wednesday 7/4/2021. It will be a 30 man roster with a minimum ilevel of 200. If there is anyone looking for a path into raiding we encourage you to apply on our discord. Message Tommo#2998 for details. Additional rules as follows:

Hi and welcome to Continuity’s Public Raids. These raids are being run to give us the chance to recruit and evaluate new members to join our raid team and push into mythic Nathria. They are also an opportunity for you to gain some experience raiding and logs to support your application to our guild or any other guild you choose to join. This is not a Carry. In order to run a smooth raid and have an enjoyable evening for all please read the following rules.

Disagreeable persons will be kicked immediately. The guild has no need for members who create drama and has no time for outside members who create it.

Raid strategies will be decided and run by guild members. In our guild raids I encourage people to talk about our strategies and communicate everything but we are looking for people who will fit in with how we currently do things. We will not cater to one person wanting to do his own specific strategy on any given boss.

Loot: Any loot that drops for guild members will be given priority to other guild members before being offered to people outside of the guild. Any loot that drops for people outside of the guild is distributed at the discretion of the person it dropped to. In short, your loot is your own to do what you want with.

Addons: People that join the raid will be expected to have their own raid boss addon (big wigs or dbm) as well as Exorsus Raid Tools.

Consumables: Players will be expected to bring their own consumables. This means Flask, Food, Combat Potions and Weapon Oils. Augment runes and Vantus runes will help you stand out but they are not required. Regarding any other problem that falls outside of the current rules, The Raid Leader’s Word is Final.

Thank you for reading the rules. Please check our Public Raid Signups channel for details on when the next raid is being run.
