Continuity is an AOTC 3/10M looking to recruit some extra members to propel us further into mythic raiding. We are a close knit guild that value input from all our raid members and are active in running mythic keystones as well as other content. We have developed a strong community of members who are active on discord.
Raid Days: Wednesday/Thursday 20:30 - 23:30 Server Time
Sundays are optional and will run if there is demand.
Mythic Keys: We run these whenever we can. +15s are ran every day and we try to get our members KSM.
Recruitment: We are currently looking to recruit dps and healers who are prog minded. This means they stay positive, are willing to spend time wiping and actively seek to improve their characters outside of raids.
We are also recruiting Social members who are interested in the community or mythic keys.
Contact: Tommo#2998 with any questions or to register interest.