[A] <Coldridge Company> PvP/PvE 10/10N 3/10H LFM Raiders!

I for one think it’s adorable that a member of The Syndicate is the one to criticize and cast judgement upon a guild in it’s own recruitment thread over the presence of toxicity. Or any other one of these pretenders acting out virtue signaling to ‘better their communities’ when they know damn well how many exceptions they’re willing to make, or have made in the past. It’s a cute trend considering Emerald Dream’s history, and the actions of each one of them. Doing it all here in this thread just goes to show their real intention is to create a public mess and look down on a guild rather than deal with their gripes man to man. Dullahan may be a prick, but none of you act better here.

There’s only one person in this thread that I’ve seen wish actual death upon someone.

Looks like it hurt you bad enough to try demoralizing and intimidating a guild over. Ain’t that a sound solution to a one man issue. You wouldn’t be here otherwise, would you?

I’m here because I’m stuck on the toilet after eating some bad chili and this is literally the only discussion going on in this forum.

I’m just saying that the “you’re all just as bad as he is” argument doesn’t work when your average ED drama starts and ends at “haha I ganked you” while this dude saw someone with what is quite possibly a terminal illness and wished him dead.


You still can’t create any justification for barraging a recruitment thread with your veiled wrath aside from emphasis on how awful the associated member is as a person. Clearly from all of your reactions to him this isn’t your “average ED drama” and it doesn’t begin or end with a few nasty tweets, so you had an axe to grind. Look at how apt your name begins to be.

I miss the old forums.

I’ve seen some horrible things being said by this guy, but this latest comment is by far the worst: https:/ /imgur .com/gallery/vlJT559


Son of a…

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I don’t think listening to some biased voices equates to making an educated choice. What’s wrong with someone being old fashioned and figure things out for themselves?

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You’re hiding behind lamest excuses doesn’t give you the permission or right. Even schizoids with adhd know good & wrong. You chose wrong making excuses for your lame self.

You’ve clearly chosen not to read this thread or you would see how on every occasion I’ve clearly owned my twitter account and my enjoyment in what I do there. The only thing I’ve asserted is that the guild culture and my twitter are different. Im quite really out of ideas on how to repeat that so this is the last one I’ve got.

Im @Dalarancrater on twitter, if my conduct on that twitter makes you want to be nowhere near me even if thats not the way things are in guild, then this guild isnt for you and I thank you for your time!

Remember that time Tallywix got yeeted off of a cliff and it got posted for the whole world to see? Pepperidge Farm remembers. https://youtu.be/SivB6uETJqQ


You’re supposed to like your post with all of your alts if you’re going to “troll” him.

But you’re the only one who liked my post. So that means… what are you doing, step-alt?


OwO whats this?

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Too much damage has already been done, and the name Coldridge Company is permanently tarnished. Anything less than a complete and permanent disbandment is unacceptable.


Guild is doing fine. Several new recruits for this Fridays raid and a few new social members.

the syndicate, of all guilds, fussing over civility

Thanks for the afternoon laugh, Dully-poo. Keep on being you.


Pick up fly fishing.

What does this even mean?

Somebody is fishing, and it aint me.

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