[A] <Coldridge Company> PvP/PvE 10/10N 3/10H LFM Raiders!

Coldridge Company is a tight-knit, low-key group that is currently raiding Heroic Nathria on Fri/Sat at 7:30P Central. We are currently recruiting for our heroic raid team.

We frequently do guild group mythic dungeons of various difficulties. All experience levels are welcome as we are more than willing to help people level, gear up, and learn to raid in a relaxed and friendly raid group.

If you are interested or would like to know more, please feel free to reach out ingame to Dullahan, Dionna or Goldiwings, or Rinkana.

Dullahan hates the United States. He’s been very outspoken about his anti-American sentiment, and how other countries are far superior to ours. Why would anyone want to be in a guild with him? :man_shrugging:


Have known Dullahan for years, and while we don’t always see eye to eye, I am not sure why his viewpoints should dictate any ability to play a game? Really play the game to have fun and rarely if ever have I seen vocal discussions about politics in guild chat.

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His twitter alone is enough reason not to have anything to do with him.


You guys take me entirely too seriously. I say things on Twitter to get a reaction out of folks to offer me something fun to read while I work.

Anyone who actually knows me knows that my Twitter is a big joke.

I would just want to know ahead of time if the GM of a prospective guild I’m looking to join consistently and regularly spews disgusting things online and to other people. Hiding behind it just being trolling doesn’t really work.


Youre a joke alright.

You have no sense of humor and your idea of fun to kill time is to spread misery and be an abhorrent pos.

I doubt your guild members know the crap you say or they wouldnt be in your guild.


I understand your concern and that’s the reason I provided the context that the in game conduct of me and my guild is not reflected by a twitter account I use to do “shock jock” style takes.

I will admit to a dark sense of humor that relies on the misconception of me being serious to get its full effect.

The people in my guild are aware (many of them follow me) they’re just cognizant that the Dullahan they interact with daily and the one on Twitter are entirely separate entities.

I appreciate the concern you show for our prospective recruits, but I can assure you that their experience will not be similar to my Twitter in any way.

The only thing your “its just dark humor, im not serious” justification tells me is that you are aware that what you are doing is wrong, but ya do it anyway because lulz.

Youre malicious and want to make excuses to avoid the consequences of that.

“Its just the internet” dont cut it anymore bud.


You are entirely entitled to feel that way and I have never had a problem with a single person wanting to not engage with me over it. You yourself blocked me some time ago and I completely respect that.

I will make it clear, if the content of an anonymous Twitter account that is used to say shocking things outside of social norms for entertainment value is against your sensibilities then I respect that and you and make your decisions accordingly.

I just wanted to make clear to potential recruits that the guild culture and values are not represented by that account

“anonymous twitter” = your personal account with your name on it.

Just stop.


You absolutely represent your guild with that account. You tweeted about recruitment for it.

People have gotten fired from their jobs for what they’ve posted on social media.

So I think it’s acceptable to post here in your recruitment thread and let people know that if they are interested in your guild, they should look at your twitter and see if it’s something they want to be associated with.


Anonymous in the sense that it isn’t linked to the person behind the keyboard. Internet anonymity, not WoW anonymity.

I haven’t asked a single person in this thread to stop posting. I have just offered context about the account and clarified our guild culture.

I similarly encouraged those who find it problematic to act accordingly in my last reply.

I appreciate all of you and the concern you show for the folks on our server.

Boy you sure seem like a nice guy in your replies on this thread.

If only you had the same tact and dignity on twitter.

Edit: the twitter that represents your character, who is the GM of your guild, which are both fully in your control irl.

“For the bantz” is not an excuse to be an ash hole 24/7/365.


An even bigger concern with CoCo is their rock-bottom skill cap. Here’s one of the better players they’ve had as a member getting completely DUMPTRUCKED by me, and I wasn’t even trying:


So if you’re considering joining, just beware of what you’re actually signing up for: Being humiliated every single time you log in.


Well as I’ve said several times now, my Twitter and every other aspect of my life, from my guild to my real life are completely separate from one another.

The Twitter does share the name of my in game character, but the similarities stop there.

I have made multiple good faith efforts to make that clear and encouraged anyone who would find it problematic to make their decision accordingly. There is not much else I can do. Once again, I appreciate the concern and respect the position you take; if there is something else you feel I should add as a disclaimer beyond what’s been said by you and others and what I encouraged then please let me know.

IDK how old that screenshot is since Destrey hasn’t been in CoCo since 2018, before I even lead the guild.

Though he is an interesting pick to say he is low skill considering he has multiple high ranking arena achieves as well as excellent mythic raiding experience.

Dullahan is the worst human that plays wow, its honestly disgusting to share a server with this human filth. This dude deserves all the bad karma coming his way and shame on any guild willing to harbor such a disgusting POS human.


So, how about them Yankees?


I don’t think Dullahan understands that he dont get to just say “Hey my Twitter isnt representative of my guild” and not suffer any consequences from that.

Especially when you are posting this on to people’s threads asking for support for cancer treatment:



As I stated several times already, there is no disconnect, the Twitter is you. It is owned by you and therefore an extension of you. You dont get to absolve yourself like its some different beast/person.

If anyone would like to join an actual raiding guild that doesn’t have a trashcan GM, there are several other options available on this server.


Haha yeah, we all remember that good joke you said about my former GM and the founder of my guild not being worth a donation to a go fund me, much less just spreading the word to those who could. The follow up joke about turning those funds for chemo to be used for a funeral instead, FRIGGIN HILARIOUS. Man what an amazing stand up routine you have…

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