[A] <Cohortes Praetoriae> Wed/Thu 9-12AM CST/Server Time - NEED RANGED DPS!

is a recently reformed guild looking to clear heroic and start progressing through mythic CN. We currently have 10+ core raiders and looking to fill out what would be our 20 man team for mythic raiding. We plan to fill and farm heroic and PUG mythic until we have a solid 20 man team. We aren’t necessarily a hard-core raiding guild but we aren’t casual either. We take raiding seriously but do not have a demanding raid schedule.

We also participate in RBGs and M+.

Raid Days/Times

Wed/Thu 9-12am CST

Classes/Specs Recruiting


Fire Mage - High
Affliction Warlock - High
Boomkin - Low
Hunter - Low
Ele Sham - Low


Rogue - High
Monk - Low
DH - Low
Arms - Low


None atm


Vengeance - Low
Warrior - Low
BM - Low
DK - Low

The listed above is what we desire but are open to other classes with exceptional players.

Please contact me on:

Discord - fiikfiic#1242 (that’s four i’s)

Battlenet - fiikfiic#1815

or our GM;

Discord - Trinquel#4052

Battlenet - Twidget#1698

Safe Travels!