Hey potential Guildmates,
I’m looking for a solid mythic raiding guild with a relatively chill schedule, 2 or 3 nights a week, i’m available 6PM-2AM eastern on Monday-Thursday night.
A little about me, I’ve played WoW on and off since vanilla, didn’t really start Raiding until Siege of Org in MoP. Immediately loved it, ended up becoming 1st or 2nd dps in every guild I ended up in after that. Most guilds just disbanded over time for leadership/life reasons, haven’t always been in raiding guilds tho. Gotten AotC on every tier since SoO (I know it’s not that much of an achievement). Many of the tiers i would just hit AotC and stop, for lack of motivation from not having a steady guild to progress further with. A lot of tiers i just pugged. Ever since the start of Legion, I’ve been trying to find a guild to clear mythic with on a reasonable schedule.
I’m a lifelong gamer and a pretty skilled one at that, so I have no doubts I’ll become one of your top performers in the coming Tiers. I learn very quickly, I’m very mechanic-friendly, and generally have a high dps output for my item level. That being said, my logs aren’t much to look at since I don’t often have a consistent guild and I haven’t cared to individually pursue high log numbers. My proudest tier was probably Tomb of Sargeras in Legion as MM hunter, see for yourself:
warcraftlogs com/character/us/stormrage/poofclaw?zone=17&new=true#zone=13&partition=1
That 98 parse was the first pull after i got my first DPS legendary (Thanks, Legion). I had to super optimize to keep up before that, i guess I wasn’t that lucky with the drops lol.
My per-ilvl parses on my current character (Balance Druid) are pretty decent even though i don’t have a full clear on him, i’m almost 470 and i’ve only been gearing them at this tier for about a month, I’ll probably keep gearing them from m+, H nya, and visions until SL launch.
warcraftlogs com/character/us/agamaggan/poofchicken#bybracket=1
I mained Arms at the start of this patch, I guess most of my logs weren’t uploaded despite getting AotC (I had to pug it). Only 2k io for m+ right now.
warcraftlogs com/character/us/magtheridon/rag%c3%a9r#partition=2
I’ll change server to wherever, prefer to stay Alliance (so i can keep shadowmeld lol), prefer to stay Balance Druid at least for this upcoming Tier.
As mentioned previously, a lot of the guilds I’ve been in have died, I’ve only really left one (not to be named here). That was because they had a few toxic leadership issues and were a little too… casual. In that regard, I don’t want to sound edgy or arrogant since i’m not, but I’m tired of carrying super-casual groups, which has been most of my experience thus far. There’s nothing wrong with taking a while to clear things, everyone goes at their own pace, but I don’t want to be in a group that takes five months to clear heroic. I’d rather clear it in a few weeks and move on to harder content lol.
All in all, looking for a friendly community of similarly skilled people to pursue some challenging content with on a reasonable schedule. My goals are to get CE for the first time, get keystone master and higher every tier, and maybe some pvp to get the mounts or elite sets. Looking forward to hearing from whoever. Hopefully my lack of XTREME logs doesn’t damn me. Thanks for reading
Bnet: Vareth#1469