A Changed Land Cataloger's Film

The cataloger’s film part of A Changed Land quest line; Can’t click on the item. It highlights and shimmers but no hitbox for me to click on it.


Had the same issue with War Mode on.
Switching War Mode off and coming back allowed me to click the item.

Hope this helps!


Obviously just a workaround, but switching War Mode from off to on worked for me, thanks for the tip Tankest. Something must be reloading when changing that.

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Just had the same issue. Here is what I tired and the order I tried it in:

Logged out, then back in. No luck
Disabled Addons then /reload. No luck
Went to Valdrakken, toggled War Mode on then off. No luck.

Went to Valdrakken, toggle War Mode on. It worked.

Just had the same issue; turning War Mode on seems to be the only fix.

Sadly turning warmode on and off did not work for me. Guess I’m going to just have to wait and hope they fix it :confused:

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try keeping it on (or off, the one that wasn’t enabled when the quest bugged), complete the quest, then turn off.

I unfortunately did try this (had WM off then turned it on and returned to the quest location) and I was still unable to click the item like Mibukyoshiro.

Turned on the war mode and didn’t work for me. Hope this can be fixed soon.

Warmode did nothing.

I tried turning warmode ON and it did not work… but then I went back to valdrakk, turned it back off and came back, and was then able to pick it up.

If flying to Valdrakken and turning your WM on/off isn’t working, keep trying. I flew on my mount every time (no portal, no hearth) and turned my WM on/off then flew back to the film to see if it worked. When it originally didn’t work, I flew back to Val to turn on/off again and continued this until it eventually did work. took me about 3-4 tries. Good luck!

Not working yet, and I’ve tried the solutions others have suggested. Hopefully it gets fixed soon since I’d like to get that heritage tint.

currently flying back and forth, doesn’t seem to work when using mage portal

Same issue, switching Warmode hasn’t worked so far. also tried redoing quest, without addons, reload, restarting client and coming back a day later… Attempting war mode off/on runs atm.

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Tried the above workaround maybe 5 times - fly to Valdrakken (not teleport) turn on WM, fly back… nothing…
Fly back to Valdrakken, turn off WM, fly back… nothing…

Around and around we go… But at this point I’ve given up. Hopefully this gets fixed soon, I don’t have the patience to keep trying this.

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Gone back and forth, WM on and WM off, several times now. Doesn’t work.

Same, nothing works, neither for me nor my partner, several times. I feel like it’s related to the weekly oniric event on Ohn’ahra. Last week I could do it solo with a different character.

Having the epilogue of the whole expansion blocked right before the next, only because of a lame and probably easy to solve bug over (at least) days…
It’s completely underwhelming.

Edit. EU servers, by the way.


None of the workarounds are working for me. Currently stuck on this quest at the film.

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After 10 trips or more, I created a trial character, different account, in a low server. I set WM on and travelled to the place, then invited my main character. I couldn’t loot it. Then I went to the closest inn, still in Ohn’ahra, and toggled WM off with both chars. Still couldn’t get it. Then I made sure I was in my trial realm, kicked and invited back, still WM off, no trip to Valdrakken and this time yes, I could loot it.
Then I invited another bugged bystander and he couldn’t do it.

That happend while trying to reproduce how I managed to solve it earlier. Quite similar (including the part where a second character couldn’t loot it), but I don’t really remember the exact steps.

My guess is, the item is lootable once per layer.