Howdy Kel’Thuzadians, are you currently looking for a fairly laid-back guild to push through the Battle of Dazar’alor and eventually gravely wound our own lovely Lord Admiral? Then perhaps Cash for Spiders can help you! We started off mainly as a friend guild but have recently decided to dip our little toesies in the water and give recruitment a try.
As it currently stands, we raid every Tuesday and Friday from 6:15 server time to 9:30 however we are currently looking into starting an hour earlier in the near future.
We are looking to recruit players of all roles to establish a nice group of raiders. That being said, we will lick our lips and drool at the sight of a tank to replace one of ours who’s been cursed and permanently stuck in the world of runescape.
We are fairly flexible with our requirements, but aren’t exactly willing to stray too far with them.
-Be around normal difficulty Item Level, 380 minimum is desired. (Shouldn’t be very hard at all to achieve.)
-Past raiding experience.
-Ability to listen to comms and be quiet when needed.
-Knowledge of your class.
Feel free to contact any of the following for an invite to the guild:
Hashies (in-game)
Araxes (in-game)
Swashsword (in-game)
Hashies#1186 (Battle-tag)
Or simply leave a comment here and I will invite you ASAP!
Thank you for your time, I really hope that if anything, you appreciate that I kept all the owo’s, uwu’s and nya’s till the end here.