Will never happen.
Or happened in 2007 depending on how you look at it.
Will never happen.
Or happened in 2007 depending on how you look at it.
Doesn’t really matter. I know it existed long before, but the community reaction is based on what they see. Social contract is way shinier than the text in some EULA that no one reads.
Ehh, disagree.
Well. On one hand we have a few select forum personas complaining about it.
On the other hand. People still talk, arent mute, and I never see it mentioned ever in game. It introduced nothing new, and just is a light reminder about rules that have already been in place.
what community reaction
Which is one of the reasons it was necessary. If people don’t know the the rules then you have to get their attention. Then it they don’t follow the rules it’s time for a suspension or ban.
I’m starting to think if this is an EU / US difference, but my realms over EU went really quiet after the contract dropped. Only places left where people talk are RP-servers and funnily enough solo shuffle / bg lobbies. Even my guild moved into a discord so we can keep our non-PEGI +13 talk.
It is amazing how people will easily lie here on the forums. No telling how terrible they are IRL.
Yes Forums truly are real life for some people…
I mean, if they responded to “don’t insult others, use profanity, or grief” by deciding “well now I can’t even speak”, there’s no loss.
Yeah, if that’s the case then 100% guarantee no loss.
Never gonna happen.
It already is.
I hide everything (not sure how well) but am brutally honest about how bad I am.
The thing is that “insulting others” can be something as simple as like “Hey bro…you going to put that interrupt key to use at any point?” And I personally have no trust in the judgement of Blizzard employees to make good decisions when it comes to handing out actions. Especially if they are anything like the forum mods.
So yeah it’s basically safest to just not communicate much in the game at least when you are dealing with randoms.
Bonus points if you ask a fairly inconsequential question like above, then things blow up into a full blown flame war between that guy and another, then reports go flying…then you are seen as part of the problem by not only the GMs but also the forums because you made the mistake of typing any words at all regardless of how harmless they were.
Anything, really. You tell us. What are these “some of the game’s toughest challenges” you’ve done?
I’ve killed Gamon.
Do you guys still talk in trade on non-rp servers or in the world or PuGs and whatnot? I reckon guilds differ a lot.
I frequently wish people in Trade and LFG would talk less
I talk in trade when I need a work order done lol
Gal gotta get her 636 weapon somehow.
For some reason it deleted my old comment, I had asked “What achievement you looking for bud?” (I think I probably fat fingered something lol)
I was mythic prog raiding in Warlords before that I did the heroic raids in older expansions and my vanilla guild was running Naxx.
No to trade, yes to the others. Trade isn’t the channel for people to discuss politics/movies/pets, much as people used that.
Otherwise, yeah I’ll chat with folks in pugs, rdf, etc.
It isn’t a question of it being easy to get top tier gear, it is the fact that in order to do it you need to run content that is harder for friends / family. Because of this most of us just run content with those that can complete it leaving out folks who are friends who aren’t skilled enough.