A call for all Horde pugs to boycott BG's

You mean like running up the 40 different sides of the mountain to get into the Alliance base?

Blizzard had to literally add the easy mode version of AV and nerf premades for Horde to win.



no I meant the coordinated queueing exploit that alliance players used early on to get in the same av because horde pugs were too much for them to handle.

now you’ve started doing that in ab to dodge horde premades in spite of that change. your faction has proven only that you do not wish to face a fair challenge, but instead want the advantage and a guaranteed favorable outcome.

not even going to mention all the fully stacked alliance premades that lay down when they start losing to horde premades so they can fight the next pug, oh wait I just did


It’s nerd rage like I watch my sons do on ultimate smash bros. I take the game away for a bit. Maybe he/she needs a time out.

No changes needed. Because he/she loves the game. Just hates losing. It’s ok


ever read sun ztu art of war. dude goes on and on about using every resource or something idk. basically if you voluntarily dont use whats available to you to win its your own fault you lose


I am real sick of reading all these topics you post, I don’t doubt its frustrating for you. I definitely agree the premade problem should be looked at. But your confirmation bias is super frustrating, don’t act like horde don’t do the exact same thing. Not to mention alliance are stuck dealing with AV BS, or having to pvp on servers with massive faction imbalance, phase 2 was loads of fun! Your always calling out alliance players, I am an alliance, but a horde player mostly. Many people I know went alliance because they did the horde thing already in vanilla.

Chill. Clearly what this game offers is not an experience your after, play something else. I personally hate pvp in this game, so I don’t do BGs.



fix that first then we can talk about changing the way premades work.


“Boycott,” i.e. quit the ranking grind because you got roflstomped.


OP werent you 4 weeks away from 14 like 4 months ago


I think you should boycott subscribing to wow

Like this post if you want Blizzard to gift this guy rank 14 so he stops complaining on the forums about premades


Especially with a name like his. Touchmybum sounds very mature.


Personally, I find fart jokes funny, so I’m not about to judge anybody else’s maturity levels :slight_smile:

OP is so “leet” yet feels the need to “boycott BGs”. I’m listening… :rofl:

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Not so. A well designed game makes players think “I want to play” not “I want to boycott content”

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Makes no difference if pugs boycott premades or not. Good premades win just as fast vs pugs than they do vs inferior premades or maybe even faster since the 1rst flag wins gentleman’s agreement.

Just realize this isn’t retail. Casuals aren’t entitled to the same gear, either put in the time/effort or be happy with what you’ve got. What’s next, people who can’t clear AQ40 will want a “normal mode”? Go back to retail heathen!

Wrong. This game is 15 years old… anyone playing it knew the “flaws” this game has and yet here we are, we all chose to play this game, flaws and all. You just chose to ignore that this game doesn’t cater to casuals. Content/gear unattainable to casuals exist, and that is fine.

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And yet blizzard has made changes to BG’s to account for changes that have occurred over the last 15 years…

The only changes they made was to stop 40v10 or 10v2 games from starting because min-maxing community now that send scouts or use addons to premade did not happen then. The changes they made were done so game resembles better what it used to be.

If sending scouts or queue dodging AV wouldn’t have happened, these changes you speak of would not have happened either.

There is a difference between change game vs fix exploits.

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Sorry I play the game how I choose. No boycott for me

Psst, it’s not just horde or alliance. Both sides are facing similar situations in AB and WSG.

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there is no reason to play 18 hours a day

unless you are unemployed and living in moms basement

seek help orc fiend

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