[A] <Bros Before Hozen> - Heroic only raiding - Recruiting for 9.1!

Server: US - Aman’thul / Dath’remar / Khaz’goroth - Alliance
Time zone: AEST (UTC/GMT+10)
Guild creation date: 28/07/2013

Raid schedule
Wednesday - 7:00pm to 10:00pm
Monday - 7:00pm to 10:00pm

Tuesday event nights
Every Tuesday from 7:00pm to 10:00pm

Raid progression in Shadowlands
Castle Nathria - Patch 9.0
10/10H - 08/02/21 - 9th raid week - Realm 18th
10/10N - 21/12/20 - 2nd raid week - Realm 26th

Recruitment Status

Application Form


What makes us different?
Bros strive for a community atmosphere and a “kill bosses while having fun” vibe.
We aim to clear every raid in Heroic difficulty prior to the release of the next content-patch, thus gaining the Ahead of the Curve achievements.
A lot of us play other video games together and it’s this sense of friendship inside video games that keep us coming back to play together every new raid release.

Please contact one of our officers or our guild masters (listed below) for more information or to get an invite! You can also reply to this thread if you’d like as well and someone will get back to you!

Thank you!

Epipen - Guild Master & Raid Leader
Saravandella - Co-Guild Master
Jaegernaut - Guild Management & Co-Raid Leader
Tempete - Guild Bank Management
Jât - Human Resources Assistance

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Wait, why are we looking for more trees? We have trees. I’m a tree, salad’s a tree, see we have trees.


Looking for cool people who like to chit chat while also healing at the same time, difficult work I know… but what can I say we’re that good.


Same reason we’re looking for holy paladins.

Because we can.

Updated recruitment above. Now looking for ranged DPS (non-Hunter) & a healing Priest with Shadow off-spec.

We are looking to have a strong roster for the Castlevania raid or whatever its called in Shadowlands, come, join us, you know you want to.

With the announcement of Shadowlands release date, we’re still keen to find new and awesome people to raid with, if you like having a good laugh and killing raid bosses and looking for a raid team heading into Shadowlands do not hesitate to get in touch with us, also happy to answer any questions you might have.


Recruitment for core raider positions will be temporarily closed from now up until 12th November while we finalize raid positions for the current applicants.

Pre-Shadowlands release update:

  • Updated original post with our new officers.
  • The recruitment spreadsheet is now up to date.
  • We are not currently recruiting any core raiders, but casual raiders & socials are more than welcome to join!

Now recruiting potential raiders for 9.1!

We’ve now concluded our farm period for 9.0 in Castle Nathria and are on a break until 9.1 release, and are looking for new raiders to fill out our remaining raid positions for the Sanctum of Domination!

If you think you’d be a good fit with us, apply at the link in the main post above. We’d love to hear from you!