Hey there,
BBH are recruiting all classes for heroic raiding Mon/Wed 7-10pm server time. We also run regular mythic+ dungeons and socials/casuals are always welcome!
To get in touch, reply here or add me on Bnet: Asptar#6141.
Or you can join our discord: discord.gg/PYGjtZn
Hi Eranda,
Myself and a couple of friends are a couple of rusty returning players looking for a Heroic Raiding guild.
I am Faefatal Blood DK (Was faction changed was previously Obyròn-Jubei’thos, also raided as Captàin-Jubei’thos as a Prot Paladin). Chungki is a Mistweaver Monk (Please look up Voodoobrew-jubei’thos) and finally we have a Fury Warrior Axtomouth (previously Ralan-Jubei’thos). We have only been back a couple of weeks so we are currently gearing characters however we have mythic raiding experience ranging from WOD - mid to late Legion.
As previously mentioned we are looking for fun challenging progression in Heroic Raids and pushing Mythic+ keys. If you have space available we would appreciate it if you would consider us for your guild.