[a] <brh> lf dps!

<Bear Retirement Home> a 6/8 Mythic Alliance guild on Sargeras-US, is recruiting!

  • 1 DPS Warriors
  • 1 Warlock
  • 1 Shadow Priest

Our raid times are:

Monday / Wednesday / Thursday: 8pm - 11pm CST (Sargeras Server Time)

We like to call ourselves a “semi-hardcore” raiding guild with a “casual” ambiance. We have no problem joking around and poking fun at each other, but at the same time we’re here to kill things and have fun doing it!

What We Look For:

  • 90+% Raid Attendance due to our limited schedule. Exceptions obviously made for previously arranged absences and emergencies.
  • Knowledge of your role’s responsibilities and tasks for a given encounter prior to pulling.
  • Ability to quickly identify and adapt to changing situations within an encounter.
  • Strong communication skills. You must be able to receive instructions over voice chat (speaking is not required, but communication is).
  • Previous heroic/mythic raiding experience is a plus, but not required.

If you are interested or would like more information please, Respond to this thread or contact us in any of the following ways:

  • In-game: Seèlah on Sargeras
  • Contact us via Battle-Tag: Arielle#1358
  • Contact us via Discord: Arielle#8915
  • Contact us on Twitter: @ArielleEJ

PLEASE NOTE that not everyone will be killing every boss each week. Be prepared to sit out for an encounter if you do not need anything from it, or if it makes sense for group composition.

Ups. For stuff and things.

But more just stuff

Still looking for friends.

And fun people

Looking for some new friends.

Still looking for friends.

Need more friends please

Still want some friends.