[A] <Blame it on Lag> Weekend Evening 10/11H Raid Guild Recruiting for Mythic!

Blame it on Lag is recruiting for Heroic/Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones! We are currently 11/11N, 10/11H. We were 5/10M SOD, 7/10M CN and in BFA we were 11/12M Ny’alotha, 5/8M EP and 7/9M BoD. We are an Alliance guild that has a long history of raiding dating back to Naxxramas in Wrath of the Lich King.

We are currently recruiting Ranged DPS (especially Mages!), DPS Warrior, or Tanks with off specs for Sepulcher.

RAID TIMES (Central Time)
Saturday 7pm-11pm
Sunday 7pm-10pm
(Grouping is at 6:45 PM both days)

We also have an additional, optional Wednesday and Thursday night guild activity (lower difficulty raid, or Mythic+ dungeons) starting around 7:00 PM. Our Mythic+ Dungeon community currently pushes keys most nights of the week. We are willing to finish gearing competent raiders; logs and parses help us a lot.

You can apply via our wowaudit site link below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our guild master:
Tariya: Discord - Tariya#5813


Happy Raiding!

Let’s doooooooo this!

Roster is filling, lets down some bosses together!

Still a couple more spots left for trial!

The patch is here! We still have a couple more raider slots!

looking for a couple more!

Looking for more!

Heroic raids are underway and we still have some room!

Looking for some ranged DPS or a dps with a tank offspec!

Looking for a couple more great players!

Any certain classes/specs/roles you looking for right now?

Hi Bruiselee,
We’re looking for healer or dps with a strong tank offspec (as a back up tank role) or ranged DPS roles. We’re willing to talk with anyone who is dependable for our weekend raid times and has the drive to go for mythic progression raiding. Feel free to message me in game or our guild leader Tariya on discord at Tariya#5813.

we would love a few more heavy hitters!

Updated with our progress!

Updated with Crab-crab kill.

Looking for a mage!

Anduin and Lords of Dread down!

looking for mages!

Updated with our current needs!

Rygelon go squish