[A] [Blame it on Lag] 6/9M Weekend Raiding

<Blame it on Lag> is currently seeking raiders for our 9/9H, 6/9M Battle of Dazar’alor raid group.

<Blame it on Lag> has a long history of raiding dating back to Naxxramas in Wrath of the Lich King. Our raid times are Saturday 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM and Sunday 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM Server Time (Central Time Zone).

We also have an additional, optional Wednesday night guild activity (generally an alt raid, lower difficulty raid, or Mythic+ dungeons) starting around 7:00 PM. Our vibrant Mythic+ Dungeon community currently pushes +10 to +15 keys on most days of the week and we’re working on going higher. We are willing to finish gearing competent raiders; logs and parses help us a lot.

Those interested please reply to this forum post or contact Tariya, Arcanient, Fiibo, Keldracos, Tuorgkcin, Fortingtut, or Cirad in game.

Happy Raiding!

Current Needs:
Warrior DPS,
Ranged DPS

Low Priority:

Updated with current progress and current needs.
We have cookies too.

Updated with current progress and current needs.
Tariya still has cookies.

updated!! come to thew darkside

Updated with current progress.

updated!! we are a relaxed but dedicated group with just a few more steady people (or fill in’s) needed

Howdy, my item level is pretty low on my warrior but I can make those raid times without fail. I have previous mythic level guild experience in every expansion. This tier I only made it to 3/9m 2/2H then had a work schedule change not allowing me to raid during the week. I’m very interested in your guild.