A Better Way To Do Cataclysm

Oh no, one bad raid out of several good ones what ever shall we do. Oh hey Naxxramas what are you doing here?

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Well ds is the end-raid of cata like icc/ruby is for wrath or bt/swp is for tbc. So it will be what the endgame is want it or not. Unless you mean naxx in vanilla and maybe sod, in which case you are wrong and an idiot.

And your point is…? Expansions don’t launch with their final tier

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DS is supposed to be the signature raid of the expansion so it being a huge let down, which everyone knows going into it, is kind of a let down for the entire expansion.

As was obvious, you can skip wrath-naxx and do os, voa, and all the other great wrath raids. Can’t skip ds as its the last raid. Might as well fo to vanilla era and say ‘I want to skip naxx please for the next raid’.

You’d have a point if it were brand new and no one knew going in. However, we already know all of the Cata content. No one is holding their breath for Dragon Soul, they’re holding it for Bastion of Twilight, Firelands, maybe Abyssal Maw if the presentation saying 7 raids wasn’t an accident. That’s a whole year to enjoy the good Cata has to offer, and then by then we’ll have Season of Whatever to look forward to, and then Pandaria after that

Why couldn’t you…? You don’t need tier 13 gear to do Pandaria quests

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Yes that was precisely my point everyone knows how bad DS is from day one of Cata. Just like how we knew from day one of Wrath that ToC was going to be garbage. The difference is that ToC isn’t the grand finale and DS is.

Again, there’s no point here because we already know the content. The “grand finale” means nothing, the whole point of Classic to begin with is to relive moments you’ve enjoyed in the past, not languish over a wet fart of an ending to a book you’ve already read


I mean I would argue that is even worse to start off an expansion with the worst possible raid. You have to “survive” the bad part to get to the good part. Most “seasonal” pservers straight up skip T7 and T9.
On the raiding front Wrath is overall pretty lackluster. Only WoD comes close to that but at least had 3 good tiers

Mists was the worst pile of bad I ever played, everyone hates on cata because a year of Dragonsoul but overall it was pretty enjoyable

For those who don’t like DS luckily MoP will be coming soon after it. More fun for those of us who like progressing our characters.


With that kind of logic why play WoW at all.


DS is not perfect but it also wont be out for so long which is what a lot of the complaints were about.

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Mist has the best raid of all time ands the best class design of all time.

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terrible idea

terrible idea

it wasn’t nerfed. it was easier cuz you had more than 1 button and good gear

kinda goofy and pointless

so we go back to summoning everyone? there’s not even any pvp servers left, and that’s a bad reason anyway


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I mean that is one of the cases. Specifically talking about cata though. I have been saying the mop fans will only play cata to prep a character for it.
Case1 cata: can’t skip ds as its endgames.
case2 mop: I am not sure what the final raid is.

If people somehow get cata era permanent severs it will be out for a long time. If they do not simple no reason to play cata level for mop.

Wrong on both, mists is a flaming dumpster fire of bad

All raid teir’s sucked, especially throne, that place was boring, i legit fell asleep multiple times in raids doing it, as well as Seige and the forgettable other raids. Add to it the terrible boring lore of Panderia, the overall lack of any real danger in the wider world and you got a terribly bad game, and I’m tired of pretending mists was a good game it sucked and someone needs to say it.

To everything you have said: NO.


Sounds more like you just couldn’t handle the asian theme.

Gameplay wise it was a solid step up from Cata.