A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

I don’t know much about Terry Crews. It seems he criticized Black Lives Matter as elevating Black people above white people. The context of his black supremacy tweet was in response to Joe Biden saying “You ain’t Black,” If you didn’t support him. It was hyperbole, but the man is responsible for racist policies.

Also, Thadeus, do you think Madeleine Roux is an anti-white racist?

I could see how White Supremists would consider Terry Crews as a hero for criticising the idea of Black Supremacy. That’s the irony.

I think that’s the point Thad wasn’t trying to make but made about how the right embraces those that criticise positive movements like BLM, movements that fight white supermacy.

Then they can turn around and say “see! Even black people criticize BLM!”


My view is the same as Martin Luther King Jr’s. Black supremacy, white supremacy, yellow supremacy, whatever… they are all equally dangerous. We are all human.


They are equally horrid ideas, but not equally dangerous. Black supremacy is no threat in the U.S. You are in no danger from them.


See, that’s why above I talked to you like a friend and an equal. And I believe that.

I wished you’d believe the same of me.

Isn’t this thread about a better expansion idea than a Light crusade? I really want that expansion now.

Nah, after talking about it for the last six months I want a Light vs Void expansion so all of this bickering won’t be for nothing.


Milo is a grifting troll who seems to live off of useful idiots supporting him. Most of the beliefs he claims he has are disingenuous.


That is true, it seems like he only enjoys the fame of being notorious.

But that being said, we can’t ignore that we do actually see the ripples of his bad takes on gaming culture in the GD on the daily. “The feminist agenda is killing WoW” is such a bad take.


So what are his real beliefs?

I don’t know, but they’re probably not as extreme as those he claims he has. He knows he can make money by being outrageous, so he purposefully makes himself controversial.


That’s what U.S. politicians like Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene do as well.

Those might be genuine. Politicians can directly impact policy change and when you’re in that position you can make money from all sorts of political stances.

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Depends how much money they’re asked to pay in reparations, how many payments are required and how long that goes for. How much will be enough? How long will be enough? How much “atonement” is required of the Catholic Church until it can be said “It is done. You have atoned for your crimes. We forgive you”?

Not me personally. But the people across the US who were assaulted, killed, had homes or shops damaged during the George Floyd riots and the CHAZ insurrection (there’s a reason CHAZ was re-branded as CHOP) might say otherwise.

What would you say and do if I said yes and told you about them?

As I said, there’s always been both valid an invalid criticisms of Milo Yiannopolis. There’s no “gotcha!” moment here, no matter how much you hope and pretend one exists. Milo Yiannopolis is no more my hero than Andrew Cuomo is yours.

You brought up Milo as someone unfairly aggrieved by the Left :

You named Milo as someone unfairly aggrieved by Leftists - but you also acknowledge his stances about the age of consent were messed up. Even you denounce that, but you act sanctimonious about the Left rebuking him.

Again - you brought up your hero Milo, as an unfairly aggrieved victim of the Left. I never brought up Cuomo. But since you did, I think he was right to resign. It was shown he did bad things. I am not ranting that he is unfairly aggrieved, like you rant in support of your hero Milo.

Obvious attempt to troll me by pretending Milo is a hero to me is obvious.

As is the false dichotomy you keep pushing, how I agreed with the specific criticism of Milo you shared, how you don’t seem to know what ranting actually is and the fact that I never said Andrew Cuomo was your hero lol

But how much reparations are “enough”? Can the descendants of the Saxons demand reparations from Vikings’ descendants for raids? Or the Christians in Turkey get reperations from the Muslims regarding Mehmed’s invasion and Hagia Sophia? Can Taiwan get reparations from China?

So apparently this tread has become political…

But back to the original topic. I have never been interested in the whole “exploring cosmology” part of WoW lore, I was fine with knowing it had one and how things fitted in (the cosmology chart), but it never really felt like it needed much exploring, or at least not by adventurers such as us. I love/d WoW because it was a medieval fantasy not a sci-fi. Also I am not a big fan of how Blizzard changed the moralities of the Light and Void, one being more like a dictatorship and the other being misunderstood. Frankly at this point I am tired of the “morally grey approach” Blizzard are trying and failing to do.

So here is my pitch for an expansion story (that will never happen).
After we deal with the Jailer in the whatever of the first ones and save all of existence we look for a way back home (ignoring the obvious portals to SW and Orgrimar because our characters have the bare minimum of mental capacities), because traveling from the living to the dead realm is easy but traveling from the land of the dead… now that’s more tricky. So the Primus or someone else comes up with a solution to our problems and magics us up a gateway, but oh no, we didn’t fully defeat Mal’Ganis and the other dreadlords and they trap us in the between space (essentially a time bubble, because Blizzard missed the opportunity for a time jump). Now free from ALL their masters the dreadlords could finally set their own plans into motion and their first order of business- revenge on the factions that have thwarted them time and time again. This will be the pre-patch.

So I mentioned a time skip, because time in SL actually moves faster than Azeroth, Jaina being in the maw for hundreds of years when Sylvie only kidnapped her yesterday on Azeroth. Out character brake free from the time prison and come back to Azeroth, but things are a bit different, time has passed, not too much a few months or years. The dreadlords have devised a cunning plan, they have figured out that as long as we are united we cannot be stopped, so they decided to organize all our previous “lesser” enemies, they had rebuild the scarlet crusade, better and stronger than ever, they have created their own horde of monsters by uniting the quilboar and centaur tribes, etc. with one single goal destroy the Alliance and Horde with a death by thousand cuts. A war fought simultaneously on two fronts- Eastern Kingdom and Kalimdor.

At the start the two factions are outnumbered and overwhelmed, but our leaders quickly realize that each faction could not survive on its own and they must do the unthinkable, ask their former enemies for help.

Patch 1- The Zandalary head out to Stormwind as reinforcements (picked them because geographically they have the easiest access to SW via ships). With SW reinforced the Alliance heads to Kalimdor to participate in “The Deffence of Orgrimar” (obv raid) against the horde monsters.

Patch 2- With both capitals secured, it is time to move on the offensive. The Scarlet Crusade now know as the Scarlet Inquisition, have not only retaken Lordaeron but “purified” it and the plague lands, and as monument of their final victory over the undead, they have established these lands as their base of operation, “The Scarlet Citadel” (Raid 2).

Patch 3- We face the Dreadlords. Haven’t really got a better pitch for this or a snappy raid name (yet).


It’s High Fantasy. There’s nothing medieval about most of the vanilla races in this game. Sorry, this is a pet peeve.


Ok I stand corrected, this is not my first language and am not as familiar with the genre definitions in english. But my point being is that I preferred more magic and portals than space ships and laser beams.