A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

You have downplayed Indiginous genocide twice as something that didn’t happen but but it did. Those were Catholic residential schools and they were closed in the late 1990’s.

There are priests and nuns still alive who participated in the abuse at residential schools.


Which indigenous genocide are you talking about specifically? Assuming you have clarified which one you’re talking about, so when those priests and nuns actually involved die, will the demand for reparations stop? What will it take to forgive the Catholic church for historical crimes?

And what about everything else I said in my previous comment to you? I think I addressed all your questions and grievances raised thus far.

First off, I’m not a “militant feminist.” So your views on me and my positions are already skewed.

I place militant feminism is the same radical pot as MRA’s.

First off, I never called or implied you’re a militant feminist, so your idea of what I said is skewed. Now what about everything else I said?

You quoted criticism of militant feminism. You are lumping me in with the same people who sent death threats to Erin Prizzy.

You seem to have a strong MRA opinion on feminism but you are criticising milititant feminists.

Feminists also criticize militant feminists, that’s why we also criticise TERFs like JK Rowling.

I think it will stop when the Church admits it did wrong and actually pays the families of the people they abused/killed.

The Vatican can afford it.

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You really should do research on the state of the indigenous community today. It is not all sunshine and rainbows for them, just because the genocide happened years ago.

I think, because she’s Light aligned, you think her judgement isn’t flawed.

You seem to not grasp that even someone you dispise (Illidan) still deserves bodily autonomy.

I think you think, just because Illidan is a bad guy, he deserves to be changed against his will, as punishment.

Please correct me if I’m wrong.

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Which criticism of militant feminism did I quote? And citing Islamophobia sounds like you trying to lump me in with the people who beat up Muslims or that violent nutjob who shot up that mosque in New Zealand.

I’m glad you have that perspective of militant feminists and am no MRA myself. What evidence do you have that J.K Rowling a TERF?

  1. The Catholic Church has admitted to these wrongdoings, so we’re halfway there.
  2. Figuring out who owes what to who specifically is almost impossible.
  3. Most of the Catholics alive today aren’t responsible for these abuses
  4. Does that mean the families of Catholics who’ve been abused/killed in historical crimes can also ask for reparations from people associated with those who abused them?

The fact remains that innocent Catholics are being forced to pay for crimes they did not commit.

Genocide in Canada happened within the last 100 years. You all need to look up Canadian residential schools and The Canadian Indian Act.

Canadian reservations don’t have clean water and natives fisherman are being denied sustainable fishing by commercial fisheries.

The church actually had the slogan “kill the indian, save the child”

We also have Blood Quantum, which is badically eugenics.


Oh, I know. I just have a problem with saying that because it happened many years ago, reparations are not needed.

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But what good do reparations do? And how long should reparations last? You can’t just keep punishing people who did no wrong themselves forever with no way out over a tenuous connection to others who did wrong.

No, the Church itself, not the laity.


But not all Catholic clergymen are responsible for these crimes either, so innocent Catholics are still being punished too.

It’s not even the same Pope as the ones who approved - or were alive - during The Canadian Indian Act.

Also, Blood Quantum was invented by the U.S Government at the time , not the Catholic Church.

Just because people today may have not personally participated in such crimes. It doesn’t mean the Catholic Institution is any less wrong for the crimes it committed against indigenous peoples


I don’t think you understand how reparations work. The Canadian government is giving the reparations. The Canadian government is pressuring the Vatican to provide the money.

There is no people punished for doing nothing. The Canadian government is pressuring the Vatican to give back stolen artifacts of colonization.

Don’t worry Thad no one is taking money out of your pocket.


How are they being punished if the church pays reparations? The church has plenty of banked funds. How does paying out from those affect the clergymen?


These are your examples of aggrieved leftists? I doubt they would except such name calling.


Right?! Those are all right wing conservatives lol

Chris Pratt is now dating Arnold Schwarzenegger’s hyper religious conservative daugther.


How do you define “the Catholic Institution”? What if the same logic was used against other ideologies, nations or religions? What good do reparations do? And how long should reparations last? At what point can you say “it’s over, you’ve paid for your crimes, we forgive you” to the Catholic Church?

If what you’re saying about reparation is true, then giving back those artifacts is fine. No need for that snarky remark about my pocket (this isn’t about me or money, this is about people unfairly tarring Catholics - which I’m not technically - with the same brush).

Don’t play dumb. These people are not leftists (except maybe Rowling) but people who have being aggrieved unfairly by leftists - plus four out of five of them are from groups the left-wing claims to champion.

I never said they were leftists, Cursewords was mucking around.

You, Cursewords and Renautus either misunderstood or are trying to troll me lol