A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

Yup, that’s the map. Now add the whole map of Canada and colour it in. For some reason we had to do this as a part of school, every year.

What happened to “two wrongs don’t make a right” that you love to say? There is a reason why I keep repeating, “rules for thee but not for me” to you.

Just smile and wave boys. Just smile and wave.

And the only true reason is Moto Moto. He likes them big…


Thank you for clarifying, Evelysaa. I’d thought you were like that due to upvoting some of Renautus and Cursewords vitriolic comments and some of our past argumentts. While I stand by my position on Renautus, Cursewords and Lenastus, despite our disagreements and me occasionally also being annoyed by you, I was wrong about you, Evelysaa, and I apologize.

Given how you’ve kept saying you’re putting me on your ignore list, but you can’t seem to stay away from me… looks like the ignore list is not very effective.

I can still see your comments when people quote you, Doness quoted your list.

You are right, the ignore feature is not ideal and Blizzard should fix that.

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So what do you think of Daenerys going all “Mad Queen” on Kings Landing in Season 8 of Game of Thrones before wanting to conquer the world? Because that’s similar to the “character progression” Yrel got. As for your comments about me, they were pathetic, puerile and false, even for you. You quote-mine me so much, I should call you Prospector.

But I never said I wanted everything black and white. Did I say or want the Death Knights, Warlocks and Demon Hunters to be black and white morality? No. Did I say or want the Alliance vs Horde conflict to be black and white morality? No.

I agree, there’s a good chance the Sepulcher is/is on Azeroth.

And yes, they might well have meant another meaning with Sylvanas’ words.

I don’t know about miss-categorizing the Old Gods, but I can see Azeroth subverting an Old God who dug too deep.

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If Azeroth is retconned into not being a Titan anymore, what do you think she’ll be?

In general concept I expect some kind of dark/evil force. I base that on the Azerite driving so much towards war.

A primal being of some kind maybe, like Yvenathilm envisions true Death.
Maybe The First One, Lorien in WoW. (This one should be an overall good.)

Renautus’ past suggestion of the Dreamer is a real possibility.

I guess they could do sleeping An’she, placed in the world to recover from being hurt or some such.

Just a Titan I think would be weird now, it would be a step backwards in the Age of Mortals arc.
(LOL, the Most Powerful Titan Ever just woke up, and we’re along for the ride, kinda changes things.)

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I tend to like posts I agree with. I’ve liked some of your posts as well. Your apology is accepted.


I personally think the idea of Azeroth being a first one has the most potential if Blizzard goes that route. An’she could work too.

I’m not sure about the Dreamer theory, but maybe.

Unfortunately, I do not think Age of Mortals is likely, as it seems the devs are trying to set us up for a “Yrel’s Holy Terror” expansion, which takes us back to Cosmic Wars due to alternate universe stuff and this “dark side of the Light” business.

More expansion ideas.

  1. Dragon Isles

  2. Zovaal’s new reality.

  3. Purely Anti-Void expansion

  4. Anti-Titan expansion

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What you call “quote mining” is simply using your own words to show that you are incorrect as well as that you are lying.

I know you are offended at having to see how wrong and false your own words are.

Name calling is the only thing you can do. You even call other posters by my name, and accuse them of being me.

Talk about living rent free in someone’s head - you even think other posters are me while I am not posting.

Not at all.

Yrel hasn’t been killed yet. Her story is far from over. We don’t know how it will end. We don’t know where it is progressing to.

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Ignoring and disagreeing with my arguments doesn’t erase or invalidate them, Prospector.

It’s telling that your response to me comparing Yrel to Season 8 Daenerys is to not acknowledge the parallels of poor storytelling and say “she hasn’t been killed yet”. I’ll grant something else could happen, but the precedent looks bleak.

Quoting your false words does show you to be incorrect as well as a liar. Especially since you have a history of editing your posts and backtracking after you are proven wrong.

For example :

No one else? More falsehoods and lies from you. You then go on to call out even more people, with rude insults and accusations:

So you are rude and make false accusations to more than just your “Fantastic Four”.

Talk about living rent free in the heads :

You build whole scenarios about people being me when I am not posting - maybe because you miss me. How sweet. But creepy.

Well that is my point.

We can evaluate the totality of Daenerys character arc and progression, as we have seen it to the end. (Unless she is risen by her Dragon and the Fire priests or something - but that is just a fan theory)

It is too early to compare her’s with Yrel’s. We don’t know what Yrel is going to be doing, or why.

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Lorien was a ball of energy in the middle of a planet (Z’ha’dum). Not a bad fit for current data.

My view on Age of Mortals is that you have to clear the field of non-mortal powers, through their defeat, or their leaving; so having Light come up doesn’t change that path for me. I guess they could have light go all “we pass into the west”, and voluntarily leave because it is time.

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Those people you listed still aren’t everyone who disagrees with me, I’ve been civil with people who’ve disagreed with me here, and that doesn’t justify your own rudeness (and dishonesty).

As for Daenerys, we can also evaluate parallels in the story prior to Dany’s death. And you’ve been condemning Yrel’s actions and supporting Yrel’s Holy Terror while I’ve been the one calling for nuance to Yrel’s story instead of “Light fanatic” or “Naaru’s pawn”.

If you want to compare a fully completed character arc, with all the hindsight we have - to an incomplete Character with no set future… that seems very ludicrous. And it presumes where Yrel’s story will go. That seems to be your problem.

There is very little in common with them, other than that they are both Female, they both spent some time as slaves, and at some point in their lives, they both control a devoted army.

But Yrel’s Lightbound seem to revere the Light and the Light Mother’s words, and follow Yrel as their leader on the ground. While Dany’s were devoted and sworn to her - which is one huge difference.

More differences :

Daenerys was born from royalty, raised with a birth right, and had loyalists to her family who helped her survive. As well as romances for position, as well as for love.

Yrel is a regular civilian Draenei. She doesn’t have a royalty complex since birth. As far as we know, she hasn’t been trading intimate relations for power - and with the current environment, I doubt Blizzard would write such a story for Yrel.

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I said only that there are story parallels, never a 1-to-1 comparison. We’re not limited to only making comparisons between characters whose stories have finished. I didn’t think Blizzard would villain-bat Yrel, but here we are.

In between our slings and arrows, you asked my opinion concerning the Character Progression of Daenerys and Yrel, and I answered.

I don’t think there is much of a comparison to make, or many parallels. From their birth, to what ever point you want to cut off the comparison. They are wildly different Characters. And we have the benefit of a complete Character arc and hind sight with one, so where exactly you think they line up, I do not see.

You asked me. I answered. Clearly, we don’t have to agree.

And while it seems likely Yrel will be villain batted, it is far from certain. And even if she is temporarily a villain, she could find her way back to the good side. That would make her story all the more different than Daenerys. So, it is a strange comparison to make.

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My question still wasn’t saying or suggesting a 1-to-1 comparison. The comparisons I did make is that Yrel becoming a villain is as poorly written as Daenerys destroying King’s Landing and going all “take over the world” in Season 8 GoT and what a disservice it is to both characters; how did you feel about those scenes from the show?

By villain-batting Yrel at all and disregarding elements of the lore to do so, this is part of why I don’t trust them to make her good again.