A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

Because he’s “giving you the benefit of doubt” he said so yesterday.

But you also may be my alt so he’s suspicious.

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Hm. You definitely “need” a title. Like NEFPA, “you’re all fake, take your socks off your hands”.
Is it correct that the period comes before the quotation marks in English? Is the other way around?

Yes, it comes first.

Oh, so do I. I just mean, I’m not childish enough to stalk someone and harass them. I’ll just put someone on my ignore list if I dislike them that much

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“Take your socks off your hands”

Take your foot out of your mouth?

This reminds me of

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No? After all, sock dolls are carried on their hands, right?

Madagascar is such a underrated movie/show. The whole cast of characters were hilarious

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I despised the movie commercials

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Shern speaks in riddles no matter how many languages you’re fluent in. The sentence structure that he uses in his posts is just… idk, man, it’s like something I could write when I’m high on ambient, sans the spelling mistakes.

Very poetic, but this is honestly nonsense.


I love it. I think it’s top level humor. I have a list of kids movies I like only because I have kids. But Madagascar 2 is up there.

The crash landing and the monkey union dispute are my favorite parts.

The VA who voices Tyrande also voices the Granny in Madagascar.

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Of course nonsense, it was an attempt at introspection in a not very sober (no alcohol) state. But it was nice.
And then I felt a little embarrassed. I ought to hide it all.

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Too late, I’m saving all your posts to compile into a single document. I’m hoping the cryptic clues throughout them form a name or a location or something, I want to go on an adventure.


How about central Buryatia?

Take me on a journey, Shern

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Shernish’s posts make a lot more sense than certain other posters do.

I want to see Shernish and Yven debate

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No, I’ll just show you the direction. Maybe you’ll get lucky. How about Mongolia?

Lord, what a fractured country Canada is when you look at the world map of Australia.

No. You are wrong.

There’s a troll poster in General Discussion who misspells every word on purpose.


It really is. Try having to colour in Nunavut with pencil crayon on school maps. That’s the Canadian version of Squid Game.

Is this good for coloring?

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