A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

So this whole time Shern was just being an idiot and pretending his English was terrible? Or did I miss something? Because now all of sudden he’s typing in English like it’s his native language

I myself wrote on this forum only once, a primitive phrase that no one paid attention to. I edited some of the incorrect words several times. Don’t you dare accuse me of knowing English!

His english isn’t terrible it’s just there’s no direct translation to English. Russian doesn’t use the same alphabet I don’t think. It doesn’t translate properly. Especially idioms they lose meaning.

[Deleting because it gave too much personal info about myself]

……You went from typing complete nonsense no one could understand to typing perfectly legible English. Sorrry if I don’t buy it

Two options. Either I have a defect against the background of “a different wording”, or I began to type more primitively.

Is this where I insulted Baalsamael?
Duplicity is most likely present. I will take either side, if only it was “fun” (crazy deal, mockery of logic).

What does “mother’s hand” mean in Russian?

What does it mean? why is it indignant?

There is a construction “mother’s hands”, it seems to mean something sentimental, gentle, caring.

Are you talking about this part?


When you speak, are you using a lot of “slang” that is only known in Russia? That could be part of why you are being misunderstood. You may need to learn English slang.

Вы часто говорите на деревенском диалекте или сленге?

Vy chasto govorite na derevenskom dialekte ili slenge?

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Can you give examples of when I used slang?
Maybe I, as a slang speaker, can not distinguish it?

“Mother’s hand” could be slang. It doesn’t make sense why you would use it the way you did, as a way to show your indignation towards me for being rude. Either it means something else in Russian slang, although I can’t seem to find what it means in Russian or the context.

I was rude to you because I managed to break through the language barrier by using slang. In English it doesn’t have the same rude context it just means “Bull in a china shop” which English speakers will understand. But to you as a Russian it’s an insult. Does that make sense? Context is different.

You could, out of context, be rude without being rude.

I took your reaction to me being rude as confirmation I had solved our translator problem.

Are you talking about “Segora de la mare”? It is written that way, “сэгора де ля маре”. These are meaningless words. Individual slang?

Obviously, “the elephant in the china shop.” There is such a thing. I’m trying to be an elephant, but rather a fly.

… OK.

Let’s be clear, you being wrong in stating that you said only these four people are part of your hate brigade aside, I’m not someone who hates on anyone. I do have varying degrees of dislike for specific people, but I don’t hate you. I think sometimes you are annoying, which is mild dislike, but that’s it. It’s not personal either, it’s a natural feeling I have but I don’t think I take it beyond that. I dislike Lenastus far more than I do you so to see me grouped with him in such a way is amazing.


Hate is such a strong word anyway. It takes way to much energy to hate someone or something.

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You really should stop naming your perceived haters out like that. It’s not good, and likely against the rules.


Not only that, none of us actually hate him. Which is the funny part,. He just THINKS we do.


It’s against the rules to mention any poster by name outside of conversation with them, but it’s common place and rarely enforced.

There’s a hate list built into this forum already, it’s called an ‘ignore list’

I have an ignore list.

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Why does the list constantly change?

Thadeus should just do him self a favor and enter those names into his ignore list instead of calling them out.

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Why am I not there?

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