A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

It’s telling that you’re all vitriol and snark with me, but silent or playing nice when someone else agrees with me about something as Shernish has.

I said there’s elements of canon that support Yrel having issues with the Iron Horde, and call Blizzard out for sweeping that under the rug, ignoring character progression and using bad writing (to name a few) for this “Yrel’s Holy Terror” story. You deny those elements and make accusations against me.

Can’t sweep something under the rug if it doesn’t exist though. That’s his entire point. You like to make stuff to support your current headcannon

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So Yrel’s sister Samaara doesn’t exist and was never killed by the Iron Horde? No, she did and was.

Yrel was never an Iron Horde slave? No, she was.

The AU Draenei were never the targets of unprovoked attacks and attempted “ethnic cleansing” by the Iron Horde? No, they were.

She isn’t using those things as excuses to target the Iron Horde to convert or kill them. Only YOU think she is

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No, part of my point was always that those parts of the lore exist, and would be logical explanations for her actions… but were swept under the rug by the writers, removing nuance from Yrel.

As it should be.

You are antagonistic, rude, and delusional. You rant suspicions about other people being me. You insult people who disagree with you and call them a “hate squad”. And mostly, you are just plain wrong.

You state your head canon as undisputed truth, while Shernish approaches it as a theory, and with a question.

Shernish might be abrasive sometimes, but he comes from a friendly place. I don’t think I have ever seen him directly insult other posters. He has not been rude. So I am not rude to him. You are rude to me and everyone who disagrees with you- to the point where you accuse them of being me. So I have little reason to temper my words with you. Other than Forum Action.

What Blizzard is doing with Yrel IS Character progression - you just don’t like the direction you think it might go.

Blizzard having Yrel put aside her grievances with the Iron Horde, and making peace, AND THEN finding a NEW reason to open hostilities, is Character Progression.


Or she simply got swept up in her newfound beliefs and took it too far. It does happen you know

Just like lore gets swept up in the writers’ whims? As you acknowledged here;

I can still acknowledge something is cannon without you know, really caring personally for what they say. If everything was as black and white as you wanted it, there would be literally no point to the Story Forum

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I think its probably likely to be both of these things, and it ought to be. That’d make for some interesting self-reflection and story for Yrel’s character.


"But each time we point, we simultaneously point three fingers back at ourselves.”

If I have been antagonistic, rude and delusional, it’s been giving you a taste of your own medicine ever since our first time butting heads when discussing the Jailer. But being antagonistic and rude was wrong of me to do as it is for you to do. I’m also not rude to everyone who disagrees with me.

I said only four people were part of my “hate brigade”; you, Renautus, Lenastus and Evelysaa (and I’m not sure about Evelysaa anymore, I think things have improved between us). Just you four, no one else. And with good reason, as anyone who reads your and their comments to me can see.

Yrel going all “holy war” is as much “character progression” as Daenerys massacring burning down King’s Landing in GoT Season 8 was character progression. And just as badly done.

Oh he does, he just posts it in Russian under a cut and thinks he’s being sneaky about it.

But he is generally more of a “Court Jester” or “Class Clown” type persona.

Indeed. There are many ways that an antagonistic Light could take form, with Yrel as a catalyst, using the lore we know.

It is possible that Yrel sought peace, and the Light showed her an image of a false Samaara, rebuking her, and calling for justice, to get the conflict started. The Legion was able to fool Nerzhul with a false Rulkan. It would almost be a mirror to MU Draenor.

Or, Yrel could get swept up in her zeal in the Light, go on a crusade, and later realize that in her fervor, she has taken innocent brothers and sisters from other innocents.

There are many interesting ways a Light themed Expansion could go. The premise of the OP is myopic.

There you go again, lying.

You specifically name dropped others for posting in this thread you made, in a public discussion forum. You made a public thread in a discussion forum for people to discuss the topic. And then when you get replies, you insult them and accuse them of having ulterior motives :

So, it isn’t just us 4.

You invent wild accusations about anyone who makes a post you don’t agree with.

There you go, with your ableist assumptions.

Not every one is born with your idea of the perfect form, in God’s image, with that many fingers.

I can agree with that.


How can you miss the point of the idiom this much. Christianity preaches abgnation or renunciation of your own interests in favor of the interests of others.

The idiom is talking about how we project our own flaws on others. It’s asking us to realize that what we project on others is ourselves x3,
and you took that and turned it into. “If I’m mean, it’s your fault!”

Or maybe you are just mean, and projecting your flaws on others. But I’m not a psychologist or a priest so :woman_shrugging:


Segora de la mare.

Are you talking about this case?

No the one where you were talking bad about Baal under a russian cut.

You called him a “know-it-all buffoon” or something in Russian. That’s back when I cared about what you said and would put in the extra effort to translate until I realized you were just bad mouthing everyone in your own language.

That post you linked was my last ounce of patience that you think if you play dumb in English we won’t see the real you behind your Russian.

Baal called you “two faced” over it too.

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What does “mother’s hand” mean in Russian? “The hand of the Mother” maybe. Is that a cultural thing? руки матери?

I just called you a “bull” which means nothing here to us but means the worst to Russians.

Maybe neither of us meant to be rude. Maybe it’s just the meaning is lost in translation.


There is no such construction in Russian. This is my way of expressing indignation, anger. A meaningless set of letters. I originally wanted to write “Segora de la virte”.

Bull. I have never heard of anyone being insulted by calling him a bull.

That’s spanish not French.

I don’t know either one or the other.

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