A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

Probably both, knowing them :wolf:

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Are you sure you are not a sockpuppet? Maybe you are one of Cursewords alts.

Sockpuppet sandwich maybe? Who knows with him. Wouldn’t be the first time someone posted on multiple alts to talk or argue with themselves.

I keep unsubbing a resubbing just to fill out the survey to leave feedback that Customer Support is lacking.

But how would the planet Azeroth be Zereth Mortis when we’ve had multiple cosmic forces. Also, when Sylvanas said “this world is a prison”, it’s possible that idea originated as a lie from Zovaal.

If what you’re saying is true and the Titans miscategorized the entity at the planet’s core, that doesn’t mean they’re wrong about the others. Other Void entities have identified the Old Gods as Void entites, such as Xal’athah, who mentioned C’thun, Yogg-Saron and Y’Shaarj by name when discussing the Old Gods.

I’m not sure what Y’Shaarj’s form was non-tentacle. We only see the Sha which sprang up after his death. For example, Y’Shaarj is identified as having seven heads, but we don’t see any seven-headed Sha.

This sort of thing is why I say that a Light vs Void conflict on Azeroth - or even a final showdown between the two - is a better story than Yrel’s Holy Terror.

Hell, Azeroth herself says she is a Titan to Magni and Magni noted that Argus and Eonar “spoke” in similar if not the same patterns to him when he travelled to Argus with us. Then later on when we reach the actual burning throne itself. He refers to the imprisoned titans as “familiar voices”.

So there is some strong evidence to say that Azeroth is still a baby Titan. Not to mention that Sargeras saw a small glimpse of her when he tried to go through the collapsing portal at the end of the War of the Ancients.


You’re right. Not to mention, I think the Old Gods (or at least N’Zoth) also identified Azeroth as a slumbering Titan and we’ve seen Azeroth interact with Titan technolgy.

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Yeah but with how fast and loose the current writers are with the lore atm, I can totally see them change it just to “subvert expectations”.

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I don’t want to derail this thread since I’m not involved in it but yes, someone reported it for being inappropriate and the mods deleted it. I think it’s because I used the word morons in the OP. I wanted to make a replacement thread for the original since no one else had yet, and Baal’s thread is much better which I appreciate.


I don’t think you using the word moron was enough to get the thread removed.

I agree with Renautus on this. If the words “moron” or “morons” where considered that bad, they’d be banned and you couldn’t use them. But that’s not the case.

I’ve been suspended from the forums for using such language before. Mods don’t seem to be lenient when it comes to that.

Maybe it’s about how they were used.

It’s possible.

No, there are many uncensored words on here that are not allowed. Also, it was likely removed for discussing disciplinary actions.

Also, Evelysaa is like me, in that they don’t usually type much (no offense), and Baal’s thread is better indeed, due to the larger amount of information.

I find that inflection doesn’t come across well in the forums. In my head I know I’m joking but some people don’t take my comments as jokes.


Always put “/s” at the end.

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Everyone should just assume I’m a sacrastic jerk. that would make my life here so much easier.

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I tend to do :stuck_out_tongue: at the end of mine when I’m joking but that doesn’t stop some people from trying to get some internet brownie points by calling me out on what I said.

Hopefully, the Dark Iron Dwarf doesn’t come back and insult you again. You’ve also had bad interactions with the characters I assume they’ve posted on before.

If anything, it looks like they’re stalking you.

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