A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

Yeah… he is.


It’s….I’m sorry hun. I’d say something, but the mods seem to protect the weirdos


Kind of funny comming from the one that keep attacking everyone that dare to argue against you since the begin of this thread…

What you tried to do is exactly a echo chamber. It did just not happened since nearly nobody agree with you.


Notice how it’s only a discussion thread if you agree with him. :face_vomiting:


have you guys considered selling t shirts?

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I don’t know if he considers me to be attacking him, but if we got t-shirts, it would lead to infighting, as I myself cannot stand certain members of the “hate squad.”

The Chronicle says that the Void wants to devour all matter and energy.

All it says about the Void Lords themselves is that they want to bring about torment and despair.

If it turns out that the Cosmic Forces each have a single being running(as the Broker Al’farim implies in his Documents found in the Veiled Market) them then the Void Lords(being the Pantheon of the Void) may be just as opposed to the Cosmic Force known as the Void as the First Ones and Pantheon of Death are opposed to the Cosmic Force known as Death seemingly imprisoned in Zereth Mortis!

Of course if a single Cosmic Entity is what the Chronicle was describing when it was describing the Void as a vampiric force that will consume all including itself then the Chronicle doesn’t say what the Light would do if given the chance only describing it as a sea of living energy not it’s motives.

Void Lords may be just Mogu on a larger more eldritch scale with their prisoner the Void being the Omnicidal Maniac.

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I hope you still like me :pleading_face:


I just want a shirt that says “Go Team Void” just to to be THAT GUY and what’s this hate squad I’ve seen mentioned twice now?


People who are apparently following Thadeus and attacking him in every thread.

Takes too much effort to do that though. And it just feeds in to his victim complex, why give him that much power?


The OP of this thread has dubbed any protestations as a “hate brigade”

As evidence :

And then he says :

That aside :

For my part - no. I am not aware of this club being a thing. But I do not see a market. Disagree with him, and he will put you in this… club… that exists in his head space.

Why sell shirts? One only need correct the OPs false head canon.


haha I’d be in that squad with you.


Well, while I certainly wouldn’t recommend stalking fellow posters, if the alternative is to play the game itself, I can sorta sympathize…

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She isn’t even here.

Oh yeah, I need to go do Tazavesh again and pick up those lore books. I did it on hard mode the first week for the mount, and that’s it.

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I’m aware of that. Just that apparently I’m the ring leader of this supposed hate squad. Didn’t realize I had that much control over what REN and the others do. Who knew :wolf:

I mean, he is convinced I’m someone who has stalked him into several threads, where there’s like 3 active ones right…so I don’t know how that adds up.

I’m just saying. He thinks she’s one of the people following him, but she isn’t here.

I know. Put we should all get shirts that say Team Void and on the back it can have a little void walker punching a naaru in the face, or what passes for a face :wolf:

Thadeus himself wasn’t seen for nine hours. He may come back soon.

As much as I kid… I do wonder if the OP is serious.

At some point, does the OP recognize how accusing people of being a hate brigade, or accusing “Tammy” of being “Cursewords”… has proven nuts?

The OP has been quoted as laying out names, so I will call him out.

Thadeus, the OP , proves to be “ha satan” himself. Accusing others.