A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

I apparently pay $150 in subscription fees just to brigade Thadeus.

I don’t know where this argument is, but I’ll start over.

  1. Forceful Lightforging is brainwashing.

  2. The Lightbound were the aggressors.

  3. Blizzard is NOT villain-batting the Light.

  4. Making Yrel evil is not an attack on real-world religion.

  1. That’s a claim without evidence.
  2. According to a questionable source, and the AU Draenei have legitimate grievances.
  3. Not sure about that.
  4. We’ll see.

Thadeus doesn’t respect consent.

lightforging someone without their consent is bad. Xe’ra was evil for trying to force Illidan to change against his will. She deserved the thing that happened to her. Xe’ra using the Light for evil doesn’t make the Light evil, but it does suggest that anyone can use the Light for evil purposes. Zealotry in Wow is real. Zealotry around the Light is real. The Lightbound are a real cosmic level threat, they could hypothetically be as bad as the Legion if given enough development.


No weirder than your opposition to black and white morality in stories.

The fact remains that this “Yrel’s Holy Terror” plot relies on retcons and bad writing. Other parts of the story also being dragged down by retcons and bad writing doesn’t change that.

And when those arguments were refuted, you changed track to Turalyon being forced or tricked. I’m pointing out how Blizzard often writes for these type of characters and how it could likely go down.

I don’t say all people hate those characters or dislike, I said that of just you and a few others.

You just don’t like that humans, dwarfs and gnomes don’t count and refuse to change your mind.

Wrong. We’ll see each other again because you know my arguments have weight; you wouldn’t oppose them so strenuously if you truly believed they have no merit with anyone.

Then why didn’t you just say willpower or faith instead of conviction? While I’m willing to concede faith is a synonym, willpower isn’t.

Admit it, you’re grasping at straws here.

I was only wrong about the ‘your most liked post’ part. While some genuinely like it, the fact remains that you’re getting vote-brigaded in the positive sense - not based on the quality of our arguments, but the popularity.

I knew about the political ramifications, but we’re not seeing parallels in WoW. Given Blizz’ track record, if they did add them I don’t think they would do them justice. Again, thoughtful critique of religion is rare in fiction, it’s usually one extreme or the other.

Trying to pretend I didn’t know anything after the ignorance you displayed when you first brought it up doesn’t help your case.

Abbendis declaring the Scarlet Crusade over wasn’t her saying they’ve been wiped out. That was her renouncing them. Abbendis said that statement in WotLk, and the Scarlet Crusade were wiped out in Legion.

It doesn’t make sense for a co-ed organization to call themselves a brotherhood (I’d say the same with a gender swapped scenario involving a sisterhood). And that’s not contradiction.

Xe’ra made an assumption about Illidan, you said yourself she couldn’t picture him refusing.

It’s not “nuanced” to try and give the naaru “their own distinct personalities and goals” when doing so involves villain-batting. We’ve already had lessons about extremism in WoW, and “light characters helping fight something dark and/or spooky” turning out to be wolves in sheep’s clothing is at least equally cliché.

I’ve mention Illidan without name-calling him before, I mix it in sometimes. People express their dislike in different ways.

Stephanie Meyer’s Twlight books were also popular, and look at that dumpster fire. Do you think I’m the only one who dislikes or opposes a Yrel’s Holy Terror expansion? I dislike it for good reason (or at least reasons as equally valid as your reasons for liking it).

I wonder if the idea’s popularity has anything to do with BfA and Shadowlands lowering the bar so much anything looks awesome by comparison.

No, Xe’ra was actually introduced with the “Light’s Heart” quest chain where we get her core and then take to Velen on the Exodar. We didn’t even know Light’s Heart was part of a Naaru until Velen told us. Us seemingly unable to awake her core due to O’ros’ death was depicted as tragic and a bitter defeat (granted, most fans were probably distracted by the “Velen’s long-lost son” story).

We didn’t even meet Xe’ra until we got Elune’s tear and touched it to her core. You might have distrusted her from the get-go, but that doesn’t mean everyone else did. And again, that 3 day coma was an unintended side-effect.

MU Xe’ra also doesn’t try to Lightforge anyone by force except for the one time. And that aforementioned attempt was the first, last and only time it happened… with the end result of Xe’ra’s death.

I didn’t say I’d approve, I said I’d be more at ease because your ideas are less bad than Blizzard’s output.

With Alonsus and Calia involved at this point, I’m not sure Turalyon will be wiping out the Forsaken.

I’m also basing my ideas on Blizzard’s writing history and the lore they presented. I’m just willing to acknowledge how they contradict themselves and ignore continuity errors and ignore character progression.

I knew more than you realize. While the plight of people in those parts of Nigeria and Mozambique is dire and still a horrible situation, ISIS conquering those two countries wouldn’t be enough to conquer the continent of Africa, let alone the rest of the world.

Side note: speaking of global threats, I’m much more concerned about China, as their government seems primed to start WW3 (with some disturbing WW2 parallels).

Reclaiming Lorderaen has sympathy without needing the Scarlet Onslaught or Scarlet Brotherhood - the “no non-humans part” is one of the deal-breakers. I don’t see AU Xe’ra supporting them given their lack of resources, use of Shadow Priests and murderous xenophobia.

How can two forces actively opposing each other keep a balance if one is more powerful?

What MMO are you talking about? And all this “morally grey” stuff is the new cliché now. What we’re seeing is what usually happens when people write “edgy” works for the past few decades. A person or group with mediocre creative abilities sees fiction that makes good use of melodrama, gritty settings, dark humour and such (made by people who knew what they were doing) and figured “I can do that!”, leading to said person haphazardly applying those elements incorrectly – such as retconning the naaru from crystal angels to fantasy vorlons with one character from one expansion. The results of such efforts are either tiresome, unintentionally funny or just painful.

I’ve cited what the writers forgot numerous times, such as Yrel’s dead sister and her past as an Iron Horde slave.

They’ve already done what you’re talking about with priests and paladins, as you know.

I do have a problem with most of the retcons and also Blizzard’s over-reliance on retcons.
But for most retcons the ship has sailed. The drink has spilled and can’t be put back in the bottle.

Your inaccurate assessment of me aside, Night Elves have been able to recruit and work with Demon Hunters since Warcraft 3, so they don’t count. Not sure if Warlocks count, since they’ve been part of the Horde since WoW, albeit a grudgingly tolerated one. The Dark Iron Dwarves seemed to see saw between allies and enemies, so I’m not sure about them.

I already acknowledged Death Knights. You are right about Blood Elves and Zandalari going Horde and Void Elves going Alliance.

You’re being disingenuous; just because I asked if you or Cursewords were sockpuppets for each other doesn’t mean I do it to everyone. “Need to get the last word in?” Pot, meet kettle. So you’re not calling me an idiot, you’re just calling me a liar; at least I know where I stand with you.

Plus the Horde/Alliance team ups seem to be less “allies” and more “let’s kill them – Burning Legion, Old Gods, Jailer – together today so we can try to kill each other tomorrow”.

By your logic, the Mag’har were already inflicting a cultural genocide on the Ogres by forcing them into prison camps/ghettos after the decimation of the Gorian Empire.

Your scenario for Yrel still doesn’t add nuance, it takes agency from Yrel and makes the Naaru moustache-twirling villains… unless the story acknowledges that the Naaru might have a legitimate point behind their actions even if said actions are wrong (like they tried to do by retconning Sargeras into forming the Legion to fight the Old Gods).

Did we see Illidan mind-controlled by Xe’ra?
Did we see Turalyon or Lightforged Draenei become Xe’ra’s drones?
Did we see any Mag’har get Lightforged?

At least you don’t blame MU characters for the actions of AU characters, and vice versa.

You’re wrong and using a lot of words to say very little here.

It’s stupid that Geya’rah doesn’t bring up the Iron Horde despite working under the Iron Horde’s former leader. For that matter, it’s strange that Draka doesn’t bring it up or show any distaste for fighting alongside AU Grom – she fought against AU Grom and the Iron Horde and lost her brothers-in-law - Ga’nar and Fenris (who are also Geya’rah’s uncles) - in that war. I think you should rewatch/replay/re-read the lore of WoD and BfA.

Because I compared it to a confirmed and fleshed out cultural genocide in the game, that of the Pandaren at the hands of the Mogu. Which Orcish phrases do the Mag’har use?

Not at that point in the story, and my distaste is no more petty than your distance for black vs white morality in stories.

Blizzard stated their intention with Xe’ra was to undermine the good image the naaru had (what they meant, but not the words they used). They succeeded through playing on the audiences emotions by having her target two established characters – Alleria and Illidan. While I’m not sure about Alleria’s fanbase, Illidan has a large and vocal fanbase. Given that Illidan is an edgy character, makes sense that a significant part of his fanbase likes edgy stuff.

Plus, Illidan killing Xe’ra removed the story concept “Illidan, Champion of the Light”. That proved quite divisive, and if I were a betting man, I’d bet my bottom dollar that if “Illidan, Champion of the Light” was applauded by the fanbase, that’s what Blizzard would have done; Illidan’s not Sylvanas to get shoved in our faces no matter how we feel about him. I’d also bet quite a few people were projecting hated authority figures from their own lives on to Xe’ra (especially mothers, teachers and clergy). One of my few criticisms of the Legion expansion was the Illidan parts read like a bad pro-Illidan fanfic (yes, I know it was popular, but again, so is Twilight).

They are based on lore, among other things. Your dislike of them doesn’t make them bad. I don’t have to rely on asking you, I ask you for research to make you re-examine the situation. And you didn’t answer my question; what will you do if the next expansion is Light Crusade, and it turns out to be the one-sided and preachy “Yrel’s Holy Terror”-type expansion?

He knows MU Xe’ra is dead and had lost trust and respect for her. He’s not going to fall into lockstep behind an AU version regardless of what he does or doesn’t know about her.

What does a Light Crusade expansion hold the potential for?

  • Yet another “MorAlLy gReY” setting because someone can’t stand good vs evil?
  • Yet another "extreme order = extreme chaos) story?
  • Yet another “dogmatism is bad” message?

The Scarlet Crusade were also a retcon, but better handled and I said only the Scarlet Crusade is dead, not the Scarlet Onslaught and Scarlet Brotherhood too. I’m fine with Arthas. We see his connection to the Light diminish in the novel and it’s gone by the time of the undead campaign (him using it in the last levels of the human campaign looks more like a gameplay mechanic).

Your personal aversion to black and white morality doesn’t make “good vs evil” stories worse. Most “edgy” works these days tend to be the result of people who want to make morally grey characters and subject matter but lack the maturity/experience/focus/fairness necessary to NOT end up with anything other than a multiple-personality-disordered mess or a propaganda-wrapped power fantasy.

The stereotypical teenager, especially one with gothic/emo tendencies or problems with authority, commonly embody this - all too eager for “adult” things (eg: violence, sex, “bending the rules” etc.) in their limited perception of such, often born of denial. Anyone or anything standing between them and what they want will be seen as a terrible “evil” and dealt with as such. Individuals who pander to said demographic, are downright hacks or share that mindset will favour this approach over any sense of complexity, subtlety, nuance and some actual understanding of the human condition.

Did an emo/goth kid pick on you in High School?

Do you envy the “bad boys?”

Your petty personal jabs at me aside (you wouldn’t believe whatever I said, and there’s a few jabs I could make about you and - for one - Sunday school, but I’m not going to)… You do realize you’re talking about the same Lightbound who haven’t even conquered one planet, aren’t trying to destroy the universe and whose leader can apparently get one-shotted by a fel-junkie elf (by that logic, Xe’ra is weaker than Kil’jaeden, we didn’t see Illidan one-shot him in the Tomb of Sargeras fight), right?

But yes, they could totally be a cosmic threat as bad as the Legion lol. In the land of imagination, anything is possible.

P.S @Doness, I saw that petty (otherwise why else did you delete it) comment about my helmet. I’ve considered other transmogs, but I like this one.

That is why she added “with enough development” at the end. They could potentially go on a “Light crusade” to conquer the cosmos.

She is wrong. The Burning Legion wanted to destroy the universe (the Old Gods want the same thing, and the Jailer wants to “forge a new reality”). Worst-case scenario, Yrel’s group wants a universe brought under the rule of the Light (by force if necessary), which is still the lesser of two evils by far.

Also, the Burning Legion’s leader, Sargeras, could cut planets in half with a single blow. The Lightbound’s leader could get one-shotted by Illidan (who couldn’t even one-shot Sargeras’ lieutenant, Kil’jaeden).

There’s also minor differences such as the effects of Lightforging and Fel (demons give birth to demons, but Lightforged people have non-Lightforged offspring).

Well, arguably the Void Lords and Jailer share similar goals that aren’t exactly “destroy the universe”; both seem to want to “reformat” reality by one means or another into something more in line with their preferences, with Zovaal wishing to undo the First Ones’ works and the Void Lords basically wanting to turn our plane of reality into more of their own. They’re each striving for a different universe in which their designs are the only designs that exist.

Thus far only the Legion’s actually had a mission statement of literally destroying the universe for the very sake of there no longer being any universe left at all, because Sargeras’ discovery of the Void Lords’ machinations convinced him that no amount of changing things will ever suffice and simply burning down everything everywhere to nothingness is the only way to be sure that the inherent “flaw” of the Void can’t ever assert itself again.

The Jailer and Void Lords each want to remake the universe because they think it can be remade, while Sargeras’ goals skew more toward annihilating the current universe and making sure there can never be another one again because he doesn’t really think the universe can exist at all without possessing the inherent fault of the Void.

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He just wants an echo chamber. And nothing is more clearer than that than this thread.

But what exactly is evil and how can someone be more evil than another? Evil is still evil. People really need to get rid of this notion that “the lesser of two evils is a good option”. They are still evil. You are basically saying that a universe devoid of free will by having everyone be a mindless puppet of the light is less evil and therefore okay than simply destroying the universe. Both are evil acts regardless.

Oh the delightful irony of you calling someone petty for deleting a comment, but get all defensive when someone calls you out for doing the same thing (the deleting the comment part, not the calling someone petty. I thought I should clarify what I meant).

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The Void Lords are reminiscent of the Outer Gods from the Cthulhu Mythos/Yogg-Sothothery. According to the Chronicles, they are merciless and cruel beyond imagination, they seek only to twist reality into a realm of eternal torment, and ultimately to devour all matter and energy and the universe itself. They sent the Old Gods to eat planets and make a Void Titan to destroy the universe. The new Broker book on the cosmos hasn’t retconned that out.

Clever lol, attaching criticisms of me to a discussion of the thread’s topic, but it won’t work again. If I wanted an echo chamber, I wouldn’t be letting you and all those other people who disagree with me comment, @Denona; I would’ve deleted the thread.

Reanutus argued the Light could be as bad as the Legion, so I was showing how that argument was wrong. Also, the idea that the Light is trying to eradicate free will is an unproven assumption. Unity does not equal conformity.

I was calling the comment itself petty, not calling him petty for deleting it.

You didn’t really achieve that by saying it was the lesser of two evils. You basically agreed that it is evil. Lesser or not, it is still evil.

And where exactly is the criticism of you in that part you just quoted?

Right, but it’s not so much just “destroying the universe” as creating a Void Titan who can alter enough of its composition sufficiently to allow the Void Lords themselves to cross over and lay claim to our reality themselves.

They still want the universe to exist; they just want it to exist in a state that’s more conducive to their own nature and under their control. Sargeras wants to outright permanently erase everything so there’s nothing left for anyone to control, because in his estimation no universe at all is preferable to allowing for the possibility that the Void Lords might someday successfully claim it.

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But once they claim reality for themselves, they ultimately plan to devour all matter and energy and the universe itself.

Also apparently me,you,Aki and denona have nothing else better to do than follow him around


This thread shows once more how fragile the alliance’s ego is when it comes to give them the same treatment the Horde has suffered from the past decade. You reap what you sow.


I was speaking hypothetically regarding Renautus’ scenario since this is a discussion thread, not an echo chamber.

This man has singled me out twice now in two threads and all I did in this thread was make a damn joke.

I wasn’t saying anything new just reaffirming the same opinion of everyone else in this thread.

There’s absolutely no way to spin what Xe’ra did to Illidan as a good thing.


He’s being super creepy now.