A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

It’s not Blizzard anymore it’s a division of Hasbro, and Hasbro isn’t going to roll that way.

Believe it or not, my intention wasn’t to discredit you. I noticed some parallels and shared my suspicion.

Because you’re rehashing the same arguments and ignoring what a poor job of storytelling Blizzard has done so far regarding this. My problem is the groundwork for this “Yrel’s Holy Terror” type expansion relies on retcons and bad writing.

First you tried to argue that Turalyon was a Light fanatic. When that was disproven, you switched to he’d be manipulated by AU Xe’ra. That’s what I referred to when I said you moved the goalposts.

You’re possibly being right about nerubians. Possibly., That doesn’t make humans, Dwarfs and Gnomes are still no more Void entities than Titanforged. Repeating your claim doesn’t make it true.


I was wrong about antipathy’s synonyms. Still doesn’t mean the Light feeds on conviction.

Let me get this straight. The founder of the Scarlet Onslaught, Brigitte Abbendis herself, literally declares the Scarlet Crusade over, her and her followers abandon the Scarlet Crusade and their core goal of reclaiming Lorderaen… and you think that’s not a renunciation?

The Scarlet Crusade (you’re moving the goalposts by lumping them all together as Scarlets) is gone when the lore states you wipe out the last of them in an in-game quest. When did the newly-founded Scarlet Onslaught get time to change their uniform as they were fleeing and being slaughtered by the Death Knights of Acherus?

You’re in denial here.

You’re lying about my words. I clearly said only some of those 12 people had a grudge against me. I wasn’t tarring all of them with the same brush, hence why I asked you about the difference between “all” and “most”.

You’re in denial here too, and you know it. For one, I clearly stated a key details of the Reformations with Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses.

You were trying to get me to say something so you could try and twist it to make it sound like I said something agreeing with you here.

  • Shadow Priests were one of several points of contention between the Scarlet Crusade and the Scarlet Onslaught.
  • Explain this; why did the founder of the Scarlet Onslaught outright say “the Scarlet Crusade is no more”? (actual in-game quote)
  • The Scarlet Crusade recruited men and women (like Inquisitor Whitemane). The Scarlet Onslaught recruited men and women (and was founded by a woman). The Scarlet Brotherhood is men only, or does the word “Brotherhood” mean something else in your world?

For someone who supposedly doesn’t hate Xe’ra, you’re quick to assume the worst of that naaru.

Xe’ra trying to Lightforge Edgydan by force was last-minute improvisation, not part of a plan.

A lesson about extremism? How original of Blizzard and totally not cliché’! (It’s not like we haven’t heard this before with the Tal’Drim Protoss, Malthael’s Reapers, the Black Empire…)

The fact remains the way it’s been done lately is unoriginal and becoming increasingly unpopular.

No, I already knew that. I was focusing more on specific aspects. And you gave less; didn’t even name-drop Martin Luther.

We didn’t think they’d throw Yrel and Xe’ra under the bus like that either… but here we are.
We can’t say the Paladin Orders of the “Grand Alliance” don’t have the same fervour when we haven’t seen how they react to a similar situation.

The Scarlet Crusade wasn’t wiped out repeatedly. Their numbers dwindled across expansions. In WotLK some broke away and formed the Scarlet Onslaught. After that those who were left kept dwindling until they were actually wiped out in Legion.

After Legion, the Scarlet Onslaught’s numbers were severely depleted but there’s a handful left in Northrend and a few copycats started calling themselves “the Scarlet Brotherhood” made their own group.

While I oppose the idea, I would be more at ease if you were in charge of writing Blizzard’s Light Crusade expansion. You’d make a more tolerable story. But you’re not on the dev team.

I never said Turalyon would try to wipe people out. I said he’s still wants to retake Lorderaen. He’d still want that even if he wasn’t a Light worshipper.

I asked you for information I know to get you to re-examine your own arguments.

ISIS is not a global threat. They can’t even control all of the Middle-East.

You left out the fact that in March 2019, ISIS/ISIL had lost most of its territory in its former core areas in Syria and Iraq, and was reduced to a desert pocket as well as insurgent cells, which they lost in September 2020. They’re a shadow of their former selves; two steps forward, five steps back, that’s ISIS today.

Just as ISIS isn’t going to take over the world in their current state, the Scarlet Onslaught, the Scarlet Brotherhood and Stomwind’s nobles combined are still not going to be a threat to Azeroth. They get a few visits from the Uncrowned’s agents… problem solved.

If they exist in balance they have to have equal power to maintain that balance, especially if they’re antithetical to each other as the Light and Void are, that’s logic.

It’s still cliche, and thus not going to be the big draw.

I asked you for information I know to get you to re-examine your own arguments.

Who gave Archaedas and Mimiron their orders to put the technology there? What was Algalon referring to when he “a million million lives wasted” in Ulduar? I know the answers, but I want to hear you say it.

If you don’t hate Turalyon, why are you so unwilling to relinquish the idea of him being an antagonist?

I’m citing the lore that gets ignored by the writers. Besides it wouldn’t be the first time genocidal characters get whitewashed by Blizz (eg; retconning Sargeras into forming the Legion to defeat the Void and don’t get me started on Sylvanas).

Did you just admit that Light Crusade relies on retcons, bad writing and railroading?

That wasn’t even 6 examples. Pretend I’m an idiot… who am I kidding, you probably already are (and might actually believe it’s true lol) and give me the examples again.

Those few examples you and I shared are a fraction of the many groups in the game. And most don’t consist of major character or have a big impact on the plot.

Your claim about me is wrong, and you know it. The Mag’har don’t deserve genocide if it’s happening. I’m also saying Yrel doing this is as bad as Daenerys burning King’s Landing in Season 8.

Genocide on the rest of Draenor? The Ogres joined willingly, remember? We don’t know what happened to the primals, saberon and the arrakoa. Don’t pretend the botani allowed peaceful co-existence with non-botani (remember why Aggramar made the Breakers).

Yrel “having her faith exploited” doesn’t add nuance unless the story acknowledges there’s legitimate reasons for her holy war and/or her grievances with the Mag’har… which it doesn’t.

Do you have actual facts to back this claim up?

You love this Lightforging headcanon of yours.

You can’t blame an MU character for an AU character’s actions and vice versa. MU Grom isn’t to blame for the Iron Horde. AU Grom isn’t to blame for drinking Mannoroth’s blood. AU Xe’ra isn’t to blame for trying to Lightforge Illidan. MU Xe’ra isn’t to blame for what happened AU Draenor. Do you understand that?

I’m saying Blizz portraying Yrel and Xe’ra the way they have is bad writing.

Keep telling yourself that lol

When does Geya’rah bring up the Iron Horde? Especially since she’s tooling around with the former leader of the Iron Horde.

What things does Geya’rah say that we see?

Do we see any Mag’har being Lightforged by force like Illidan was? Or are certain fans jumping to conclusions? I know the answer, but I want to hear you say it.

While I thank you about the fur collars, the fact remains in that same thread I pointed out we can’t determine either way about the language, so you moved on to other points.

Illidan only commanded the Illidari. He was an ally to the Army of the Light (stupidly allowed to remain after edgelording their leader to death, but still).

How is Illidan an edgelord? Let me count the ways;
• Power fantasy character? Check.
• Mocks faith? Check.
• Contempt for redemption? Check.
• Problems with authority? That’s a big check.
• Heavily scarred? “I am my scars”
• Tattoos? Check.
• Demonic mutations? Big check.
• Got an addiction? Check.
• Dark clothes? Check.
• “Dangerous” sounding name? Check.

Some of those traits on their own don’t make an edgelord, but they add up.

He’s not as bad as Sylvanas or Deathwing, but still top 5 WoW edgelords.

My foundation isn’t my dislike, but the story reasons behind those feelings. Thankfully not. But will Blizzard do it? We’re seeing more and more examples of sloppy storytelling, and even this so-called “nuanced” story relies on retcons and railroading.

What will you do if the next expansion is Light Crusade, and it turns out to be the one-sided and preachy “Yrel’s Holy Terror”-type expansion?

Because he’d totally trust a more extreme AU version after disagreeing with the comparatively moderate MU version, eh lol?

Turalyon served MU Xe’ra, and MU Xe’ra is dead. Remember, you can’t blame MU characters for what their AU versions do and vice versa.

I keep shooting down the ideas because they rely on poor writing. If the Light was “morally grey” or “amoral” from the get-go, that would be different. But that is not the case. I am open to the Scarlet Crusade as Light-wielding antagonists, but they were wiped out despite your denials.

Does someone want to tell him about the Scarlet Pilgrims in Dalaran during Legion? No? Okay than.

We’ve already discussed the Scarlet Pilgrims. Funny that you came straight here after an argument on another thread didn’t go your way, Micah lol

And what arguement do you think we had in another thread? Or you confusing me for someone else? Wouldn’t be the first time you done this

Arguments like this one.

Coming here to try and attack me after that argument went south is petty, and a classic left-wing ideologue tactic too (jump ship and look for another angle of attack when the previous one fails)

Assuming my political affiliation based on an argument? Way to not be taken serious bud. Pat We’re done here. You’ve shown you have no interest in actually paying attention and no one is attacking you, so put the victim and Christian persecution card away

Anyone can click that hyperlink and see you and several others were.

Saying the Jews weren’t slaves isn’t a attack on you…You need some thick skin if you think that was a personal attack. Grow up dude

Here’s a couple of times you had a go at me (and these are the nicer ones);

Again, no one is attacking you. Drop the victim complex and grow up


Oi vey, this again.

It is almost like a bot.


Magic. Just as StarFleet changes it’s uniforms with every series or in some cases every season. The Onslaught’s uniforms change to establish their Cataclysm branding. With all the magic being thrown around, how they manage it is a trivial affair.

X’era is clearly modeled after Babylon 5’s Dark Kosh who represented the main attitudes of the Vorlon people, their inflexible adherence to Law over Chaos. The prior Kosh… the one who took the time to understand the Younger Races as much as any Vorlon did… he was the minority.

X’era after all her time among mortals, still can’t empahthise with them. Her mind touch has all of the finesse of a sledgehammer. After all on her first contact with the Player she puts the character into a 3 day coma and even after wards her every contact with the player is a moment of agony.

After all the trouble she takes to get the player to understand Illidan, it’s clear that at the final analysis, she herself refuses to accept him on his own terms and decides to remake him… reprogram him as she saw fit. If that doesn’t drive home the point, her treatment of Alleria and manipulation of Turalyon should.

What happened to her was just desserts… just as what ultimately happened to Dark Kosh.


Blizzard is Activision not Hasbro…

Hasbro despite making deals with Activision concerning Transformers hasn’t bought out the Company.

Blizzard also hired agents from Disney by the way.

True, but a corp is a corp.

Actually what they were really aiming at was the cult of Mithras which was the Church’s biggest rival in the Roman empire, and was very popular with the lay military. The old classic gods usually associated with Rome and Greece had long fallen out of favor despite what Shakespeare would have you believe.

Mithras’ big day was December 25th in the old Roman calendar. Others say that it was The festival of Natalis Invicti , the holy day devoted to the Sun, also held on that day.

The Christmas Tree part was what was lifted from the Celtic pagans.

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The Christmas tree idea came about because Pagans used to bring in trees and decorate them so the wood spirits had a warm place to stay during the winter. It’s adorable to think about :smiley:

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While magic would work, that doesn’t change the fact that the Scarlet Crusade were wiped out in Legion, or that the Scarlet Onslaught broke away from them and are no longer the Scarlet Crusade.

I wonder if that was always how the Vorlons were intended to be written, or whether making the Vorlons rigid was a change in Babylon 5. Interesting side note, the Vorlons won their conflict with the Shadows, they just didn’t get to reap the benefits as their “students” saw they’d lost sight of their goals turned against them.

The 3 day coma wasn’t planned. That happened after the player character touched Elune’s Tear to Xe’ra’s core and got a vision of her across the astral plane. You’re assuming it was possible for Xe’ra to do that contact without pain.

Swapping his magic is not reprogramming, Alleria herself realizes she’s getting in over her head with the Void and what manipulation of Turalyon?

So Xe’ra saved Illidan’s life twice, once from Kil’jaeden (in the novel ‘Illidan’) and once from Helya (in her Legion quest chain, Gul’dan gave Helya his soul to imprison him), but it’s “just desserts” for her to get killed by him? Ever read “The Farmer and the Viper” and know what the moral of that story is? Hint, Xe’ra’s not the viper in the story.

That isn’t exclusive to the left… and you know that.


So what? That does not give her ownership.

Like the saying goes, “NO” means “NO”. And she had ample opportunity to back off.

She wrote her own ending


In fairness, since she was operating according to some prophecy with an outcome we never definitively got to see, it’s also possible she wrote that ending on purpose.

When dealing with characters knowingly acting to fulfill prophecy, it can be hard to tell when they’re trying to make it happen directly, or when they’re trying to drive someone else to make it happen in their stead.

So her death at Illidan’s hands could very well be exactly what she wanted to happen, meaning that successfully converting him to the Light would have actually prevented the future she sought to bring about.

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