A better expansion idea than “Light Crusade”

I quoted it, responded to it and posted the the parts of the book you left out where it clearly explained that painting the Light/Void as wholly good/bad is wrong.

I don’t think you can claim to be a fan of conciseness when you repeatedly make entire threads repeating the same incorrect treatises making same handful of incorrect arguments while abandoining entire other threads.

They emerged from the essence of the Old Gods after they integrated themselves into Azeroth and drained it of its existing life. It is different in the exact details, but very much the same in terms of how the Void operates, wherein they don’t just create something from nothing, but alter and change what exists before.

Sure, here’s some more citations.
" Without spoiling too much, we can tell you that wielding the Light is a matter of having willpower or faith in one’s own ability to do it. That’s why there are evil paladins (for example, the Scarlet Crusade and Arthas before he took up Frostmourne."

And here’s developers explicitly stating how Xe’ra being convinced she’s right doesn’t mean she’s good for us.
And again…
“The Light seeks one path and shuns all others as lies. The Shadow seeks every possible path and sees them all as truth.”

I was pretty explicit and in repeatedly pointing out that while the Scarlet Crusade and Onslaught took some big hits, that the Scarlets as a larger movement continues to exist in various forms that never actually renounced the Crusade.

It’s not head canon that The Scarlets continue to keep coming back in various forms and filling their ranks with paladins, priests, monks and other devoted followers of the Light despite repeatedly getting their butts kicked over the course of WoW’s history. Their ways are clearly attractive to some and they are not universally revilved by others of the faith. That’s how they managed to get a rep into the church to begin with.
The Scarlets are not enemies of Stormwind and obviously there’s people in Stormwind sympathetic to their goal of wiping out the Forsaken and retaking Lordaeron, among other things.

Xe’ra and the Scarlets align in that both are A-okay with genocide and other uses of force if it means wiping out people who aren’t followers of the Light. She’s already turned Yrel and the Lightbound into something akin to the Scarlets.

What can a radical religious/political group offer government officials they can’t get themselves? Political support. Supplemental muscle. Most importantly: plausible deniability.

We don’t yet name any specific nobles because the ONLY thing we know about the House of Nobles right now is that they’re among the people who don’t seem to be found of Anduin. Also that Stormwind’s been supporting proxies and sending troops to expel the Forsaken from Lordaeron for a while now.

So we’ve established that I and dozens of other people who disagree with you are not part of your hate brigade. There’s no reason to bring them up whenever responding to me.

No, power levels don’t matter, because WoW has had antagonists at all power levels. Most of them less a threat than the Legion and Sargeras. We’ve stopped many threats that aren’t as mighty as the Legion with leaders as individually powerful as Sargeras.

Also, thinking that Yin Yang is about either being all good/bad, or one being just as bad/good as the other shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept. This would explain why you keep reducing these cosmic forces and various groups to being all good/bad. With less room for even the small amount of nuance WoW’s writing is capable of.

We’ve fought against the forces of the Titans and stopped the activation of the reorigination engine and battled its creator and didn’t take down the rest of the Titan watchers or even the Titans or Arcane.

Same rules would play out in a hypothetical “Tyranny of the Light” expansion possible to oppose Xe’ra and her allies without having to take down every single naruu or the Light itself.

You made one more post in the thread that didn’t adress anything I said and then abandoned the thread.

But the Light is capable of brain washing. It’s capable of lots of manipulation, up to and including brain washing. I was still pointing out how the Light can brain wash people when you just stopped responding. And now here you are, trying to declare the matter settled when it wasn’t and making the same wrong arguments.

So I’ll give you another opportunity to actually respond to my posts instead of just running off and making another thread. It’ll help keep things concise as opposed to having several threads all covering the same topics…

The quote you provided claiming Lightbound let Maghar keep their language and other elements of their culture is the same quote as the one I keep posting.

However, when we look at things, there’s no evidence that the Lightbound are letting the Mag’har keep their laguage, animal husbandry, fighting style or anything else about Mag’har culture, and lots of evidence showing they’re actually replacing elements of Mag’har culture with Draenei/Lightbound stuff.

Illidain was a leader of the Moonguard, the leader of the Illidari and a commander in the combined efforts to defeat the Legion. He’s an authority figure. He meets all your criteria for “the Man”, but now you’re adding the “more concerned with his own goals” criteria, even though his ultimate goals are even the same as Xe’ra’s, too: defeat the Legion.

And when I asked characters who’d qualify as “The Man” that have or would ever oppose Xe’ra and/or forces of the Light? You answered “Turalyon”: Xe’ra’s greates champion, who unquestioningly followed her orders in he past and currently leads the Lightforged army.

Anyone else?

And here…

Yeah, I don’t think Xe’ra’s brainwashing/controlling people in that she can’t simply dictate others’ actions on a personal level/puppet on a string sort of way. But she’s definitely manipulative, engages in coerced indoctrination and has great tools for doing it.

BUT, she can also grant visions to people, like she did to Turalyon and Alleria when Turalyon went through his Lightforging process. She can forge mental connections with people so she can watch them at all times and-when they do things she doesn’t like- pop into their mind and go, “I know what you’re doing/thinking. You’d better not.” She forges a similar mental bond with the player.

Then, when Alleria did disobey her and she was still mulling over her options, she looked into Turalyon’s heart/mind and read it before she actually bothered to explain what she was even going to do. Turalyon, fearing what Xe’ra might do, could only think to beg for mercy in the face of some unknown punishment for his wife, only to go about carrying out Xe’ra’s orders when it eventually came down.

Turalyon never “challenges” Xe’ra. He begs for mercy-even though he has no ide what the punishment is. Xe’ra looks into him delivers a punishment and he goes along with it.

Because she doesn’t control him directly like a puppet with direct control over his mind and body, but she absolutely does play mind games, hide information from him and manipulate him in a way that makes him loyal to her in a way that he probably wouldn’t be if he knew the full truth of what she’s doing.