Has a female Draenei and a female Blood Elf as the final contestants.
Which of them is taking the win?
Has a female Draenei and a female Blood Elf as the final contestants.
Which of them is taking the win?
The audience wins.
Depends entirely on the geography. Alabama? The goats win. California? Vulpera. Worgen would win here, but they don’t have tails. Everywhere else? Blood Elf.
I’d have to hear their visions for world peace and helping children before rendering judgement.
Bah, who am I kidding. I’d choose the thicc lady 10 times out of 10.
Well, I mean when the sore loser initiates a cat fight, sure.
I win the beauty contest.
I’m the most beautiful of them all.
Which ever one has the better answer to the weird question they always ask the final contestants like
“What is one thing you would do to further world peace?”
Which the Draenei would say “Convert everyone to the light.”
Or some other variant.
Heads or Tails?
A furry hooved bug eyed alien
Or a twiggy flippered bug eyed elf
We all lose
Blood elf, obviously
Going with the goat, sorry, but they have assets the Blood Elf just doesn’t.
Such as in-laws for relatives.
Flat Blood Elf butt.
The scoliosis is doing alot work for draenei
Poor quality pics for both.
Neither as Lor’themar walks in and takes first prize!