A beauty contest

The event organizer

Accidentally enters stage right “Ummm, this isn’t the Hunter weapon store is it?”

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No more elves!

Okay fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine goes back to being a cervitaur “Happy now??”
Ha, leg up on the competition? I got two whole legs up on them!

hah thats too funny


The blood elf, obviously. The draenei is prettier, but we fight dirty. :smiling_imp:

I think the goats are prettier but I wish they would clean up some of their textures.

Night Elf female

Now I don’t disagree with you, but they don’t have a rivalry like those two.

Blood Elf… anything with Hooves only ever gets a Blue ribbon at the fair, and is never usually entered into a beauty contest.

Dang, that was savage.


Angry sassy centaur noises

I’m a werewolf… not a puppy :rofl:

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The Pandaren judge!

Girls with horns > Girls without horns.


Impossible. We put the pandaren back in the cage with Ling Ling to mate.

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Easier to lead back to the kitchen :rofl:

I really want to say something saucy…

“What would YOU do if you had a million dollars?”

“I’ll tell you what I’d do man…”


Por que no los dos?