[A] < Battle Hardened > AOTC N'zoth Carries! - LIMITED TIME LEFT!

Hello there friends!

It’s that time of tier again, when AOTCs start dropping awesome mounts. As is tradition since WoD, < Battle Hardened > will be selling AOTC carries for the [Uncorrupted Voidwing] mount from Heroic N’zoth.

We will be offering carries for 50k, and using that gold to provide our guild with raid materials such as cauldrons and feasts.

Our runs are Thursdays beginning at 630pm server.

Included in the 50k gold price are:

  • [Ahead of the Curve: N’zoth the Corruptor] Feat of Strength achievement
  • [Uncorrupted Voidwing] mount
  • A chance at 470iLvl personal loot (our raiders will already be saved)
  • A chance at 470iLvl bonus roll loot

The way this will work is:

  1. Send in-game mail to SHALATHE-WyrmrestAccord to reserve your spot. I will send you in-game mail back to let you know when you will be running.
  2. 10minutes before your scheduled time, be on your character and have the gold on your toon. It’s also a good idea to bring a reroll token for the chance at extra 470iLvl gear!
  3. We will summon you to the boss, and you will trade Mythrenathen your gold.
  4. You will tag the boss, then go die (jumping off the side of the platform works!)
  5. We will defeat the boss, and you get your title, your mount, and any loot RNGesus decides to provide.

Q: How much are you charging?
A: 50k gold! That money will stay in our home economy of Wyrmrest Accord, and part of that gold is going to be used to fund feasts and cauldrons for raid nights!

Q: When are you running?
A: Thursday starting at 6:30 server!

Q: Can I give you the gold AFTER we kill the boss?
A: I don’t want to accuse anyone of being shady and dipping after the run with their gold still intact, but we do ask for the gold up front for a reason. We’ve been running these groups since WoD and have yet to make off with anyone’s money. We like our home here on WRA too much to peddle it away for the cost of one measly AOTC run.

Q: I know the fight! Can I stay alive instead of dying?
A: Unfortunately, even if you do know the fight, it makes things harder for us if we have to keep an eye on your health bar and/or kill you when you get MC’d. For the speed of the run we ask that you just relax and enjoy the carry!

Q: Isn’t selling runs against the ToS?
A: We aren’t selling runs for real money, and therefore are perfectly fine.

Q: I don’t have that much gold! Can I pay you later, or get a discount?
A: There are plenty of ways to make gold. Run old-world raids and sell the transmog and pets. Do your emissaries. Buy a WoW token. We can always schedule you for a later week so you can save up enough.

Q: I am off server! Can I still get a run?
A: We only provide carries for those that have gold on WRA. If you purchase a WoW token (one token won’t be enough right now since it doesn’t cover the whole price of a run unfortunately) and get the gold on WRA we can certainly work things out. Otherwise you’ll need to find someone accepting payment on your own server, and that’s not us. If you send me mail from an alt on WRA, please include your main’s name as well! (for example, Shalathe-WyrmrestAccord)

Q: Sounds great! How do I sign up?
A: Send Shalathe in-game mail, and I will send you mail back as soon as I can with a timeframe for you!

We’ve been doing this at the end of every tier for the past three expansions, but unfortunately the old forums are gone so I have no way of linking past threads. If you have a good experience running with us, please let us know what you thought!


“do i want a dumb dragon for 150k? i mean you did buy the Lightforged Warframe, you goon”

You ABSOLUTELY want a dumb dragon! He has a big tentacle-y chin and dark blue wings that look good with (almost) any transmog.

Already got our groups lined up for this Saturday, so stay tuned for when we’re running more!

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They’re good people! Also the voidwing’s actually pretty cool as a mount, too.


Our next run will be THURSDAY, MARCH 19th starting at 6:30pm server!

If you’re interested in reserving a slot, send me in-game mail and I’ll let you know when your specific timeslot is!

Let’s fill the skies with weird blue tentacle dragons!


Lousy big butt blue Alliance discriminate against the Horde…there should be a Fifth War over this, I tell ya…

Good group of people, good players and definitely above board on these kind of things. Would definitely vouch for them despite their large posteriors and tendency to wear blue which makes said large posteriors look even larger.


This is a really nice group of people. It was quick and easy and I got my goodies! Thanks you guys! :heart:


Got mine tonight too. Nice group and know what they’re doing, well worth the gold! Thanks again you guys!

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We still have a couple slots available this coming Thursday! Send me in-game mail to reserve your spot!

Just purchased my carry tonight. Bump for good people and a good price!


Next run is Thursday April 9th, send Mythrenathen in-game mail to reserve your spot!


We’re working on our spot reservations for this coming Thursday, April 9th! (We have to reserve spots in advance since it’s such a discount from other groups running for 300k)

If you want your AOTC and sparkly new mount this coming week, get in touch with us ASAP!

Just filled our last spot for this week! We are now booking people for next Thursday April 16th and the Thursday after April 23rd.

Thank you to everyone who as ran with us so far and looking forward to watching all the new dragons take to the skies this week!

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An absolutely fantastic group that are kind, quick, and efficient. I highly recommend their services to anyone who is interested :slight_smile:

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Get it while its hot! You can’t beat a deal like this.

Thanks again! You really can’t beat your price for AOTC

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Our time slots are all booked up this week! Due to the high demand we are adding an additional slot at 9:00pm Server Time each week going forward. Get in touch with us in game to reserve your slot for next week.

Thank you to everyone who has purchased a run and congrats on your mounts. Looking forward to running with everyone who has a spot reserved this week!

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Just got my ahead of the curve with these guys tonight. They were efficient and organized. Happy to get my mount and move on to Shadowlands. :smiley:

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Another successful night of beating up on N’zoth!

We also will be running a special deal!
If you purchase a run with us, your friend will be 50% off! Or to look at it another way, each person will only pay 112,500g, for a total savings of 75k.

  • You must sign up with your friend (send Mythrenathen in-game mail and let me know that you are doing the Friend deal and their character name).
  • You must bring a separate person in the same run, NOT you and your alt in two separate runs.
  • Both you and your friend must attend the run. If your friend cannot make the run for whatever reason, you’ll need to pay the 150k gold as a solo runner.

We’re currently reserving spots for April 30th and May 7th, so let us know if you’d like a run!

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Guaranteed to be a 1-shot kill, or I’ll refund 20% of the price you paid.
The exception is if someone DCs or intentionally causes a wipe