Amortava Ilith
Welcoming New and Old Players: We have plenty of experienced class leads in our guild that can help teach newer players and help them really learn the ins and outs of their classes. We can help gear newer players through heroic and mythic dungeons.
About us:We are a very non toxic guild and keep a very chill environment. Our guild started in Legion during NH and got all AotCs from this point. We are friendly enjoy running mythic+ and doing rated pvp when we are not raiding. We have alot of fun on raid nights.
Raid Times/Days: Wed, Fri and Sat 7pm-10pm CST
Melee: Warrior, Paladin
Any Ranged DPS
Healer: Druid or Monk
Come Join us: We laugh and have fun when we raid no yelling at each other. We make sure to help each other get gear through mythic+ and work together to get through the raid teaching one another.
Contact me at:
Discord: BOSS FLOSS#2000