[A] Agents of Change is recruiting! 2M 7H

Agents of Change is a stable, no drama, adult guild in its 9th year of raiding together. We are always looking for solid, talented players who wish to be part of a friendship based raiding group with a serious progression oriented attitude.

Currently, we're looking for a lock, a rogue, a demon hunter, a non-monk DPS with a healing offspec, and a couple ranged DPS, though we're always willing to chat if you're playing something else! Bonus points if you know how to right click a summoning portal!

We are serious players with a casual yet committed attitude. Agents members are an eclectic mix of ages, pasts, futures, educations, careers, philosophies, and locations. The greater majority of our members have been with us for years. We are not a high turnover guild, in leadership or in membership. Our leadership core has been consistent since the guild began raiding and our members leave the guild very rarely, mostly due to life changes. We go out of our way to make new members feel at home, appreciated, and a contributing factor in the guild (after a very brief, but at times hazardous, some might say even dangerous, hazing period).

Agents of Change raids on average 50 weeks out of the year with two raid groups. The main progression group runs Tue/Wed/Thu from 7:00 - 9:30pm server (on a rare occasion an off night raid will be thrown in if a major new boss kill is imminent) and our alt group runs Sunday from 7:00 - 9:30pm server.

If you are looking for a group that values friendship above loot, apply at:


If you have any questions, please talk to Lacei, Aerox, Furtheron, Slingzlight, or Darie.

If you'd like to see what type of group we are, I can also stream us for a night or two.

You can also reach me at Aerox#11917 or Lacei at Lace#1242.
We're still looking for DPS!
Now 8/9H! Still have a few slots left!
9/9H bump!
Curious, I looked at the amount of people in the Guild. Which, numbers are great! But I was curious, as me and my wife are looking to join a progressive dungeon, raiding pve guild for progression through the rest of legion and into the next expansion. We have been going solo for quite some time, but are getting tired of all the dungeon finder and raid finder ethics. I don't like people rushing through content and I don't like the ability for most people in a raid or even a dungeon group to not have the abilities of a mic / headset so that we can all ensure we are on the same page during the fights.

Example would be if group member A is pulling aggro instead of the tank and he is a clothie dps (squishy) then it should be just as simple as the lead tank saying hey... if you pull it again, you tank it, without arguments it should be a simple resolve.

When you guys raid, with so many members, how do you ensure that each person gets a slot in there?
Hi Az,

I know the member count is pretty high, but we only have 18-22 on a given raid night. On some progression fights we may end up really close and have to cut down a little, but we usually stick to our full roster and focus on improving with mechanics.

Come mythic, I'm sure we'll have to sit based on fight requirements and comp, but after a kill or two on a given boss we always try to get people in who haven't seen or killed it yet, so everyone gets their turn. Quite a few people (myself included) have no problem with sitting if that means someone else gets a shot at their preferred item or gets to see a boss go down.

I hope this answers your question. If not, feel free to reply here, reach out on Battle.Net, or whisper us in game.
8/11H and 11/11N. Please hit us up if you're even slightly curious!
9 down!
11/11H! Still looking for a few more!
1 mythic robot down!
2nd boss down! Still looking for more!
Eonar down! It's not easy being green...
need more souls for sacrifice
Bump bump!
Hey would anyone in your guild happen to be looking for a pvp healer? I'm a resto druid who's ready to dive into BFA. I raided during earlier legion content but when the max ilvl was raised I quit wow for several months then came back even stronger. I have 3 other hordies on Alexstraza and plan on gearing them all up when BFA rolls out. I have discord and am a very social person. 23 btw, so I'm mature'ish :P. Also I love leading entire groups in Ashran for fun on my free time. Never got to do Ranked PvP before but would love to try, I'm sure with a little training I could become a beast!
Looks like your website is down for the count captain!
I went ahead and dropped you a freind request. My guild hopped server but I am a top tier Havoc(Meme Beam Hipster in the flesh) that has cleared all heroic content up to Antrorous. I also love a good mythic+ and BG. I have a back pocket Vengeance tank if need be but will for sure be gearing for Havoc first.
Lemme know.
Hello, I am currently looking a new Guild as I am returning from SoO.
24 Yrs of age
Great Raiding knowledge and understanding- Raided with MidWinter back in ICC/Cata.

Current toon I am online with is IcomeYouRun, Thank's hope to hear from you soon!

OH yeah, 4 level 100's and like 32 90's lol
@Zettele and @Sòulsnatcher

Not sure if anyone has contacted either of you, but I sent you each a friend request. You can also just add me as Bull#1747