[A] 8/8M <Juice> Recruiting Mythic Raiders


<Juice>is a guild started by long time Kel’Thuzad players in Legion that are focused on getting the most out of a relatively small raid schedule (9 hours) by playing at the highest level possible. We are currently in search of a few more exceptional players to round out our mythic raiding roster for Battle of Dazar’alor. We have currently finished our progression in Uldir and are looking to making roster improvements for 8.1.

Our raiding hours consist of 3 hours over 3 nights.

Sunday 8PM-11PM Server (MST)
Monday 8PM-11PM Server (MST)
Tuesday 8PM-11PM Server (MST)

We expect our raiders to be able to consistently make these raid times with little trouble.

**Really need HEALERS! **
Prefer Druid, Priest!


Healer (Pref Druid, Priest)
Ranged DPS (Pref Boomy, Hunter, Warlock)

Even if your class is not listed above, please feel free to get in contact with an officer. We recruit all players who present themselves to be an upgrade for our raid over players currently in it, regardless of class or role. We model our guild as a business always trying to reach greater heights. There is a strong sense of friends and family in this guild, but we definitely prioritize improving our raid and getting as much accomplished as possible.

If you are interested please send a battle tag request to an officer below.

Guild Leader: Pòh [Cyrules#1244]
Raid Leader: Extav [Extaveren#1241]
Officer: Disorient [Disorient#1861]

Still looking!

Ghuun dead, still looking.

Hi, I’m very interested in joining although my ilvl is kinda low. I used to raid heroic back in mop and I’m getting back into raiding. If you guys do heroic runs and if you guys could give me a chance I’m sure once I get better gear I’ll be able to do mythics. I know how to solo orb run at ghuun and I also have a 367 ilvl dh if you guys need another dps. I’m just sick of pugs not being able to follow mechanics.


Hey guys!

Didnt see any of you online, so i thought maybe id just send a message here :slight_smile:

WW monk, with offspec tank and heals. Also have a plethora of alts available to build to the raids need.

Ill leave this here, to help the search! (just connect the gaps)

https:// www.warcraftlogs.c om/character/id/27776430#difficulty=4

Still need ranged dps!