[a] (8/8h)(2/8m) <soaked>

< Soaked > is a new guild, comprised of groups of old friends. Many of us have raided together for years. We’ve grown older together. And because of our advanced age, we have scaled back our play to match the rigors of adulthood and the obligations that come with it, like: early morning conference calls, hauling our kids to dance recitals, and regularly attending AA meetings.

When do we raid?
We raid Sunday night, 7-11pm EST. We expect people to be on and ready to rock at least a few minutes beforehand. Even though we’ve scaled back our hours, we still like to make as much progress as we can with the time that our schedules allow.

What about the rest of the week?
Many of us are on each night, running M+, conquest capping, doing expeditions, or just running old content. We spend most of our time hanging out in discord and chatting.

What can we do for you outside of raid?
We run weekly M+10s with as many guild members as we can. Of course, this depends on your ability to fulfill your role in that group. But we try to get as many people involved as we can. We also have people that farm lower M+ on alts, if you’re still gearing or working on different specs/roles.

What do we need from you?
Your experience and willingness to progress. We need geared, experienced DPS and/or healers with a DPS off-spec.

Please feel free to reach out to me anytime in game. If I don’t respond, keep whispering me, I’m probably in a M+. Also feel free to reach out to other guild officers: Addriael, Creation, and Xantanian.


These guys are the best! And they run lots of M+. :100: :100:


And they’re handsome, too!

Bump! Need some deeps!

hey there im looking for a laid back more mature guild. Sunday raids work out awesome for me. I have raiding experience since back in Vanilla. Currently 8/8N 4/8H Uldir

Yooooooooooo! Bump!

Are you guys looking for a MW/WW?


Hey add me, I’d like to have a chat with y’all, I’m 2/8m and have XP dating back to vanilla raiding, I can fulfill any role with the toons I have called and geared frostynips#11781