[A] 6 - 5/12M Raiders Looking for Raid Team

Yea, you read the title correctly. 6 Raiders. I know that’s a lot to ask for any team but bare with me on this one. All 6 raiders have been playing since Vanilla with the occasional break every now and then but nothing super long. Alliance Only

Currently we’re 5/12M and looking for a guild who is equal or further progressed. A guild who likes Pushing into mythic content towards Cutting Edge and Enjoys doing Mythic + going into Shadowlands.

Now with that being said, we understand that all 6 of us will be judged differently in a raiding environment and if one gets sat with probable cause i.e under-performance or fight specifications for role that’s perfectly understandable.

What we consist of:

2-Day A week (no weekends)
9pm-12am EST pref.

Please leave your guild spam below and I’ll happily add you on discord/bnet to discuss further, or you can add me -
Bnet: Skuddlebuns#1989
Discord: Skuddlebuns#9787